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Sex animation/posing mod?


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Hi, I am in search for a mod that adds animations or posing of a sexual intercourse in Oblivion, similar as to how mods Actors In Charge and Umpa Modern Pose just allow you select an animation or pose and the player/NPC carries out the animation/pose. Now before someone suggests any mods I need to clarify something. I am not looking for a mod that adds anything "kinky" into the game, nothing that includes dominatrix equipment or anything of the like (but if the mod comes with that, then I suppose I can make an exception to that), I am just looking for a mod that allows your player character to have sex with an NPC and/or has two NPC's have sex with one another. I am familiar with a mod known as Sexdarkness, I will say it's decent but it doesn't allow you to choose what sex position or which character will be doing what. So does anyone know any good mod I am looking for, I would search on lovers lab to try and find one but it's such a big site and it's hard to find any of the good stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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