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Some of My Mods won't load into the game


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I recently began attempting to download Skyrim mods from Nexus, to expand my game beyond the steam workshop mods. However, I downloaded three mods, the Death Alternate series. I see them on the data files load list, and they're ticked on, but the aren't quite working right. When I load into the game, the mods don't do what they're supposed to. Also, in the mod configuration menu, the words are all jumbled and don't make any sense. What's wrong? Please help.

Edited by Jhutch0213
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Are you using just skyrim's mod list thing or are using Nexus Mod Manager(NMM), Mod Organizer(MO). Cause if you are just using the skyrim mod list not sure whats going on, but it you are using NMM make sure that the mods are set to run but then close it and start skyrim for steam and check if the mods are still checked there if not check them off and close that, now reopen NMM and start skyrim form there. If you are using MO I cant help you there cause I don't use it.

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Running Mod list:




Skils in book titles

New Loading Screen





High rest texture pack 1, 2, and 3

Unofficial Dawnguard patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial Herthefire patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

A quality world map of Skyrim and Solstheim

Big Kill Moves CHance

Big Kill Moves



Faster Vanilla horses

Kill Them Generals

Project Presets

Realistic Needs and Diseases

Realistic Skinning

Scout Armor

Skill Leveling

Tavern Games

Touring Carriages

Smelting Levels Smithing

Tanning Levels Smithing

Alternate Start- Live Another Life

Warriors-Better Rewards

Hedge Knight Armor

Ordinator-Perks of Skyrim

Unlimited SHoues (no waiting time)
Those are all the mods I'm currently running ^

All except the top three are from Steam Workshop, the top three are from Nexus

Edited by Jhutch0213
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  • 8 months later...

@Jhutch0213 this what you must do remove all mods both from nexus and steam workshop, then get (NMM) Nexus Mod Manager, (MO) Mod Organizer use one or the other not both, google LOOT skyrim and use it to then go onto nexus and look up the mods you had in the steam workshop cause most all of them are on nexus and download them to what mod manger you use and install them through the mod manger, also make sure you have SKSE cause most mods on steam and nexus will not work without it.

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