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Spell for straighter arrow flight?


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Is it plausible to create a spell / magic effect which would change arrow travel speed or the gravity decline.


I've just finished a mod "Blessing of Hircine" which adds 10% damage to bows for 7 hours



Mainly I was thinking, The Daedric Prince of The Hunt would surly bless you with accuracy and not damage..

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Im not sure how you would go about editing that. It maybe possible if you can find a way to link the spell to the arrowprojectile file that you mod for the desired effect.


- I made faster arrows that auto cast a chain lightning explosion on hit but, that is completely new arrow that i made.


>if you make a new "arrowprojectile" file lets just say "arrowprojectileOfTrueAim" and reduced gravity and increased speed you would have the desired effect.

- - - The hard part would be finding a way to make a spell to use that projectile info for a desired time frame like lets say 3 mins of TrueAim arrows then you my friend would have what you are looking for.

- - - I would probably start by getting familiar with the self buff spells that increase armor and see if you can figure it out from there.


> On an unrelated note: I am currently trying to make arrows that can summon creatures on hit. Would be epic if i could shoot arrows that summoned dragonlings :D

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