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Corruption in oblivion

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One source of corrupt downloads is noise - the electronic kind - That can be a major problem if you use dial up. usually you will see a reduced speed if there is a lot of line noise. Are you on dial up?
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I don't have a lot of experience with wifi yet, but I do have a lot of experience with other forms of wireless communication - radios. And wifi is just another use for radio. Any RF communication is susceptible to many different kinds of interference and I suspect wifi is the same. One just RF noise such as caused by other electronic devices running in or near the same frequencies OR at a harmonic of those frequencies. I also wonder if bandwidth hijackers could create the kind of interference that would cause corupted downloads. Check to be sure your wifi is encrypted. Another possible problem is distance from the actual modem (Radio transmitter/receiver). The losses will increase with loss of signal strength. And a varying signal can cause data dropouts.


I would be surprised if no one has come up with a program to monitor a wifi connection for noise. I checked on the site where I get my diagnostic programs and found several that might help check your wireless connection for interference. I only listed the free ones.


Air Snare - for intrusion detection http://majorgeeks.com/AirSnare_d4091.html

Bitmeter 2 http://majorgeeks.com/BitMeter_2_d5603.html


There are others on the site Majorgeeks.com but the rest I saw were either for pay or shareware .

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