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cant get voiced follower to marry me


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i just made a voiced follower, it works well and performs like it should. but i cant seem to get any marry dialouge to pop up. from the creation kit stand point i changed the relationship tab in actors to lovers and added to correct faction, but nothing will come up when i ask my follower. how do i get the "are you interested in me" dialouge to come up?


ps: i also cant get her to follow me unless i force recruit them, no "follow me" dialouge will come up either

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The dialogue will only work on vanilla voices. That's probably one of the conditions for the marry/follow dialogues.


You'll have to set up your custom voice to work with them. This might be a good start, there's probably others.



so it only works with vanilla voices, is there anyway to have it work for my custom made dialouge voices? i really dont want to go through another tutuorial, i hoped for a quick suggestion this time around.

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The dialogue will only work on vanilla voices. That's probably one of the conditions for the marry/follow dialogues.


You'll have to set up your custom voice to work with them. This might be a good start, there's probably others.



so it only works with vanilla voices, is there anyway to have it work for my custom made dialouge voices? i really dont want to go through another tutuorial, i hoped for a quick suggestion this time around.Â

The link I gave you shows you how to set up voices, but find your own if you want a quick fix. I'm sure there will be plenty.

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