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Player character floating after loading racemenu preset


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Hello all,


Been banging my head off the desk trying to figure this one out.


My character is floating a few inches above the ground. But this is only if i load certain racemenu preset files. If i import just the sculpt, the issue does not show up, however if i load the actual preset file, the character raises up and after exiting racemenu their feet are a few inches off the ground. Height scale is set to 1


If i load the preset, then switch races the issue remains. If i start a new game the characters feet are on the ground. So unless anyone has ideas my only recourse is to start a new game which i hope to not have to do.


No, it is not HDT highheels related as this issue comes up without that mod installed. Yes i am using XP32 extended.


Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

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