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MSG - Minimum Standard for Games


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I don't know but I consider myself a gamer since I am crazy about RPG games but I do not preorder games anymore and I am more careful about running out and buying a newly released game.


I have been using mods for a couple of years now. I see that some are easy (by user standards) only due to the hard work that modders on this site and others like LoversLab. It adds hours of game play and learning as well about the game. Kudos to all the modders.


I take a lot of trouble in buying the game that is, let’s face it, not that cheap for a lot of us including me. We put up with crashes and quest that never work properly or the graphics that is 2nd rate etc. We wait for patches like good little puppies waiting for their big name companies to make patches so that we can have a decent play through of the game.

I for one am trying to play Andromeda currently. I bought Andromeda on the day that it was released but I found it was very buggy. Some of the quests would break - eg. I like to explore and must have done the monument quest in the wrong way or something but when I got to the last monument it would not work. I had to restart the game. This is without any mods as the game just came out.


I complained to the company but I went to the Forums to get some solution to my problems.

I solute those that mod these games. The big companies think to use us as Gamma testers because they could not be bothered to Bata test or perhaps listen to the comments of Bata testers to fix problems.


Anyway, I am finding it harder and harder to keep my mods for different games neat and tidy. This is because different games have to be modded using what I guess to be different techniques.


I cannot start to imagine how frustrating it must be for the Mod Authors and those that make these brilliant mod managers and tools to make it all work.


So I come to the point of this, I see a lot of people are gamers. We are the companies' customers and not people who go to them cup in hand and say "Oh, please sir. can we have a patch to fix this problem so we can play at least without crashing every 30 minutes and please sir, if you will, may we have another DLC - anything crap will do, sir"


I would like to float the idea that those who are prominent in the gaming community should perhaps form a gaming working group say, Nexus MSG Group where it can have a liaison role with the companies to bring us better modding outcomes. I feel the gaming companies see individuals as just unimportant but if we speak as a group we might get them to listen.


This group should only be concerned with mods. So for example the group could encourage gaming companies and game engine creators to make their products friendly to modding and incorporate consoles that are more friendly to gamers. There are already some that do this well I think, like Skyrim and Fallout 4.


We should let the companies know that we are not going to pre order games that don't meet the basic game requirement:

1. Consoles be gamer friendly.

2. games/engines should allow modding with user content.


I don’t know but I would cite, if you ask, Skyrim as the flag ship of aspiration.


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