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Glowing Body Tattoos


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So, I've always wanted to have a character with glowing tattoos, the standard black or colors don't cut it, I want them to actually emit color into my worldspace so I thought about how I would do it...


I thought, well since bodies are meshes, couldn't I just apply a shader to a body?

So I looked at some other pieces of gear that used effect shader properties.


I found that the game didn't like it when I added multiple shaders to the same NiTriShape IE an effect shader and texture shader at the same time, would just completely freeze my game.

To get around that I thought I'd just copy the main shape node and alter the shaders I was using since the texture was going to be alpha based black and white and have an emissive color, seemed to be okay, added a float controller, an interpolator, float data, and an alpha property (Not sure why I added the controller, BSEffectShaderProperty should work without it I think?) So now I basically have a duplicate shape that is now alpha overlaying my tattoo and dropping a color emitting shader on it, looks good in NifSkope, the tattoo shows up overtop of the ugly astrid body texture, except when I go in game nothing happens... And I'm not really sure why, seems like the game doesn't like my body mesh having two shape nodes, as the other one seems to be completely skipped nomatter what properties I give it.


I did it this way instead of creating a mesh that IS the tattoo because I only planned for one NPC to have this body, and I'm also terrible at meshing and art.

Edited by expired6978
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