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Creating Combo Detonator?


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Is it possible to make a power a detonator? I wanted to turn Nova into a detonator as opposed to a primer (because it honestly doesn't make sense as a primer, it's an AOE ground pound that looks like it should explode things) and noticed that it has an "Action" called FrostySdk.Ebx.MECSMAction_ApplyComboPrimer, with the ComboPrimer attribute pulling from game/damagetypes/combos/biotic/status_bioticprimer. I've found options for each type of detonation in the folders under combos, but no way to just apply a combo detonator modifier to the power

Edited by IAmTheClayman
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Just bumping this. Would really be grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction!


Yeah. More people should publish their project files so we can learn from them. :smile:


Agree 100% Phnx, and if I somehow figure this out on my own I will absolutely post the solution here

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I think the appropriate file modify is the Impact data for the power. For example, let's compare Overload (a power which has detonation built-in), Incinerate (a power which can be specced into combo detonation @ Rank 6), and Assault Turret (a power which can never be a combo detonator).


Going to game/powers/[power name] and clicking on the power's folder reveals a number of different files. So if I wanted to modify Assault Turret, my first instinct would be to go to game/powers/assaultturret and click on the 'assaultturret' folder in FrostyEditor. Each folder contains a number of different file types:

  • BlueprintBundle: I believe 'blueprint' is similar to how Unreal Engine refers to prepared/grouped assets as Blueprints (for anyone else familiar with Unity Engine, what we call 'prefabs')
  • BWAggregatedStat: based on the UIData field I assume it relates to populating information on the user interface
  • BWBaseStat: similar to above with focus on populating UI information
  • BWBeamBlueprint: perhaps a blueprint/prefab required for any weapon with a long, beam-like projectile?
  • BWCSMState: as far as I can tell, animation info (based on the inclusion of a timeline at the bottom of the file inspector)
  • DataProviderAsset: I believe this is an organizational file type used in other higher-level files, based on it requiring a BaseStat and AggregatedStat file in the 'BaseStat' and 'ModifierStat' fields
  • LogicPrefabBlueprint: TBH I have not investigated this file type much :huh:
  • MEImpactPackage: seems to contain detailed information regarding a single aspect of a power

There are several other files type -- perhaps it makes sense to start a post elsewhere cataloging these file types and what information they house/what their purpose is -- but the only other one important here is the MEPowerData file type, which is where I started looking to modify powers. There's an attribute here called BaseStats, and a lot going on, but essentially it's an array responsible for storing various info about a power.


For example, going to game/powers/assaultturret/power_assaultturret brings up the MEPowerData file for the Assault Turret. The BaseStats[0] attribute in this file seems to store a conditional statement that determines the turret's damage per bullet by checking if the player is in singleplayer or multiplayer. I'm sure this will be useful for makign singleplayer-only mods that don't get users banned in online play, but unfortunately nothing in BaseStats gave me the solution I was looking for.


However, when I dug into game/powers/assaultturret/imp_laser_assaultturret, one of several MEImpactPackages for the Assault Turret, I found something interesting. If you open up the ImpactList attribute, then the index 0 of the array (the dropdown listed as '[0]'), you'll find an attribute called 'ComboData'. And sure enough, opening up ComboData reveals a tickbox called 'IsComboDetonator'!


Sorry if this seems long a pedantic for some, but for those of us who aren't pure programmers I thought the full explanation might be beneficial. The TL;DR version: I'm 90% sure that MEImpactPackage files are responsible for setting combo detonator status. I will test this out and post once I can confirm.


P.S. There is a file under the assault turret's data called 'imp_projectilecollsiion_assaultturret', so it is possible that for this power one file has to do with the basic fire mode and the other for the flamethrower spec.

Edited by IAmTheClayman
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