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Deadly Combat Issue


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Spoiler alert, I guess?







The Issue: When starting the game, my character would often walk in place upon reaching halfway to the chopping block after character creation. If that didn't fail, then it would fail where I stood up too quickly when the dragon attacked and the Nord would run off into the tower, but I would be unable to move. ` enableplayercontrols didn't effect it. So, I downloaded a save game (Garik from grffnhwk's A character to be proud of) and loaded. I still couldn't move. Enabling player controls allowed me to move a few feet. Once I got into the keep, everything worked fine. I narrowed it down to Deadly Combat by unselecting it, and it alone, while inside the tower. With it enabled, I ran in place inside the tower. Disabled, I moved fine. Once out of the starter area there seems to be no issue anymore. I just wanted to bring this up in case anyone had a solution or to let everyone know what was causing this particular issue.

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