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About real thirst and Salmo the baker


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The Problem:

As some of you know, between ff real thirst cobl and salmo the baker there are some conflicts with the leveled lists. The problem is that the author of real thirst cobl says that they can be solved by using the Bashed Patch feature of Wyre Bash but he doesn't give details. Can someone please tell me how I can do that because I love real thirst and I also like salmo the baker. Thank you.

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<snip>Can someone please tell me how I can do that because I love real thirst and I also like salmo the baker. Thank you.


Hi there,


It's really simple, assuming you already have installed Wrye Bash and the mods.


You just now start Wrye bash, and on the Mods tab select the Bashed Patch, 0.esp (should be near last the load order), right-click and select Rebuild Patch. Then, from the dialog that pop-ups, on the right pane, tick "Leveled List" and then click OK. Wait until the Bash process ends, and that would be everything.


If you don't have the Bashed Patch, 0.esp, just copy it from the Oblivion\Mopy\Extras directory to the Oblivion\Data.


Best regards,


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