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Have you tried the clean function in TES4Geko? I'm not sure if it will work on mods, but it takes out any thing that a mod duplicates from the Oblivion.esm. There are some other handy functions in it that may allow you to find where your worldspace got duplicated. Check the Move Worldspaces function. I haven't used that one, but it looks promising for your problem.
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Hmm, where can I download TES4Geko?

I even tried looking into the worldspace, I can't seem to find anything in it - But can't delete it either. very weird..

Pretty non-clean mod if you ask me, have to clean it up before I can play it though.

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Mweh, guess the mod is pretty much corrupt

I tried the clean function, It said everything was cleaned. Duplicate cells still exist though...


Btw, it adds 3 door markers at one door, and I can't delete the doormarkers. when I follow their lead I get a CS error (Show door reference at the markers)

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Hello all,

Today I noticed one of my mods had a duplicate of a worldspace - I decided to clean it up, though I have no idea how to delete a worldspace? Anyone knows how to do this?





You can't really duplicate a worldspace... Now a change to a worldspace (worldspace made by a .esm, a .esp is making changes to it), or two seperate mods (.esp)which each make their own worldspace, or where one .esp alters the other .esp, is a different story. In the first case, deleting any information will likely break any of those changes to that worldspace. In the second case, this was probably an attempt of making one mod work with another, and in doing so, neither will work right. The second case is just bad modding, and you should probably suggest that the person who made it fix the mod so that people can use it (or just rate it badly). Without knowing more about what particular mods you're talking about, I can't suggest much further.


Deleting doormarkers can be done by making the doors no longer have teleport checked.

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I just did it on another way, though it doesn't clean out the mod. I just deleted both sides of the door in the addon and replaced them in the orginal mod. This doesn't make it any better. since now the addon mod can't be used as a standalone - but for me it's good enough. atleast I can enter the door again.


Thanks for all,




PS: Yeah, think he tried to merge two mods or something - And the doormarker is tied to a door, but when I track down the door which it is tied to I get a Construction set error.

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