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Problems getting extra damage to work


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With Nevada installed I cant seem to override damageadjustments on weapons with for example XFO's mod.


One problem is that all the mods/esps i've found do 1 of 2 things:


1. Tampers with a lot of stuff, not only wpn damage --> Conflicts with nevada. Or....

2. Even if they ONLY adjust wpn-damage, it adjusts every single wpn individually which means wpn-mods won't get the extra damage.


In Fallout 3 XFO programmed a simple 2xdamage that was working regardless of what wpns you had installed. It simply edited something else to get the desired overall x2 effect on every wpn and didn't conflict with anything I could remember. I remember that XFO even said that it was a fool-proof way of doing it, and that it never would cause conflicts with wpn-mods.


Are there a simple way of doing this or are there already some simple mod i've missed that don't alter gun-data but instead alter overall damage (without tampering with the skill-damaga ratio either!!!)? Bcz I really miss the deadly combat of my Fallout 3 experience, and the super-simple way of achieveing it!


EDIT: I have tested and read more. Seems that some PN-developers think that the F3 x2, x3, etc wpn-damage (Found in FWE and XFO in F3) doesn't work for FNV bcz of the new damage system and will unbalance new parameters that werent available in F3. But The same PN member say that they instead adjust HP for the same effect. Thats not true, at least the PN mod don't do that effectively enough. Even if you alter the endurance and level multipliers as much as you can (the only HP adjustments PN uses) you don't even get close to double damage. And also, those adjustments hits differently regarding what kind of enemy you meet (High level high endurance VS low level low endurance but high base HP, etc, etc,) and isn't entirely balanced if you wan't to make big adjustments.


So my question is still the same. How can I make the game MUCH deadlier for NPC's (for the player it's easy to do that) wo conflicting with PN in the process? Are there a way to add an 0.5 multiplier to all HP's in the game and put that .esp after nevada in the loadorder?


The deadly fights I'm used to from

Edited by L0bban
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