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More Believable Stealth (perk idea)


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I would like to see a perk that makes the player character transparent while in sneak mode.


The idea:


  • Stealth, in the Sneak perk tree, has 5 ranks. For each rank, the character becomes a little bit more transparent while sneaking, to compliment the ranks. This is purely for peace of mind for someone like me. For, I think its irritating when I am "hidden" when I am clearly within the mob's field of view.

Stealth Ranks

  1. You are 20% harder to detect when sneaking. = 20% transparent
  2. You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking. = 25% transparent
  3. You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking. = 30% transparent
  4. You are 35% harder to detect when sneaking. = 35% transparent
  5. You are 40% harder to detect when sneaking. = 40% transparent

I was planning on making this mod myself, but I am so far from being able to script this, that TES: VI would be released by the time I got it done; esp since I'm busy with school too. So, I'm posting the idea in hopes someone will make the mod in case I don't.


Thanks for reading. And please reply/comment if you like/support this idea.

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