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Eyes in Oblivion / Races / Vampirism


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Hi All,


at the moment i'm trying to iron out all incompatibilities on my Oblivion installation. Working on a merged race pack with all the nice eyes, hairs and races working together.


I noticed that many eyes are still incompatible, elaborate eyes have the texture mapped like in original Oblivion.


EB (B=Blank E=Eye)


But Rens eyes and many other have a texture like this:




All the eyes that are textured like Rens eyes look very bad when you become a vampire and with Rens eyemeshes i cannot apply Elaborate Eyes to Mystic Elves of course. So i started to replace all custom eye meshes with the one from Elaborate and redoing all the eye textures to the "crossed" texture.


Now, my question is. Is there a reason why many races use the "straight" texture style like rens ? Or is it just because most simply started using that mesh ? Would it be better to redo all vanilla eyes to the ren style texture ? Atm, i have redone rens and half of corean eyes to work with the elaborate meshes (crossed) and i'm happy how it looks and works with vampirism now.


I think it would make sense to have compatible eyes for all races and just use one eye mesh and texture style.

Should i release the the texture packs, once i'm done ?

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