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Starting fresh with mods


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Hi guys,


So I've left Skyrim alone for a couple months now to get my ME2 playthroughs ready for ME3, but with the release of Bethesda's hi-res texture pack DLC and the flurry of top notch mods from the community, I think it's high time I returned to Skyrim. However, I'm wondering if it's easier for me to simply start fresh in terms of mods. I have over 20 mods currently, but most of them are out of date and a few are even obsolete. Uninstalling or updating them manually will be a pain. Can I simply delete the contents of the Skyrim Data folder? Or will that break the game?


Lastly, I've just set Steam to auto update Skyrim and to also install the new texture DLC from Bethesda, but I'm worried that the new DLC will be placed into the Data folder and thus if/when I delete my old mods, the new texture pack will be broken in the process? :)



Edited by balthazar9086
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