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Player Institute base.


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So every faction you side with provides and apartment for you and player base.

Brotherhood-Airport area

Munitemen-pretty much any setllement on the map.Build all you want!!

Railroad:problem.No base.

And by the base I mean large area where all the crafting can be placed and laso a lot of storage space.

And the Institute.All they give you is a small lousy apartment.

Sorry not enough.

I want a large area with access to the main Institute cell where player can put all the crafting benches and the Automatron workbench.

This is needed for roleplay purpose.

I hope someone will be interested in making this.

Thank you for reading.


Actually fix this.

All I ask for is some kind of large area underground.Some kind of underground player base.


The point of this base is when SS becomes the Director of the Institute he or she abandones the Commonwealth.

Because the Institute doesnt care about the people above.

Edited by Stronglav
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