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[Mod Request] Pants replacing a robe-esque model


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Basically, I would like to have these pants: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6006&navtag=file/images.php?id=6006&tab=3


Replace the skirt of this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5644&navtag=file/images.php?id=5644&tab=3


I am making a bard type character and this combination of chest piece and pants would be, perfect. Now I tried doing this myself first but talking with the guys in the chat I soon realized that modding in Skyrim is much more involved than what I am experienced with. What I can say is that in NifSkope, Iorveths armor (the one with the skirt/robe bottom) is a whole unit and will most likely need to be broken down in Blender then exported out. At least this is what I was told, so... I can understand if the process is a bit to much for someone but, I really would love to have this mod and I have nothing to loose by asking. So, pretty please?

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