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Remove all items (to unloaded container) work around?

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Well I was very surprised to find out that unlike beth previous games you now cannot use script "remove all" to move items to a container in an unloaded cell.


That kind of sucks. :confused:


So would the work around be to move the container to the player temporarily then?


Maybe even disable it while doing so so the container is not appearing and vanishing in front of the player.

I have found many functions still work even with a disabled form. Like they are "invisible" and not "touchable" not really "disabled".

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RemoveAllItems seems to work fine for me where the source is a dead NPC companion and the destination container's reference is flagged as "persistent" in Worldspace and located in a different unloaded cell.

Edited by Athelbras
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AW! Right... interesting workarounds. Thank you both very much.


NOW I have a vague memory of setting my containers to "persistent" in Skyrim. So I may have been wrong about this being different from previous Beth games.


I ended up moving the container to the player, doing my three lines of script with removeallitems and moving the container back. The player cannot see the container in that time so this works for me.

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You could make the container literary invisible.


I was going to do that but you can't see it and working fallout 4 nifs in nifskope is a pain in the back side still.

Not anything as easy as it was in Oblivion or even skyrim.


I guess I could do it with a mat swap (there are invisible vanilla swaps). But as I said it is not necessary.


But Thank you anyway.

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Just make a custom nif of a container and set the alpha to zero. and poof you cant see it anymore ingame.


I was going to do that but working fallout 4 nifs in nifskope is a pain in the back side still.

Not anything as easy as it was in Oblivion or even skyrim.

Or do you mean in the CK? How do you do that in the CK without using the materials swaps?

(I have made invisible items with material swaps in the past just to test them).

Is "nifs" a section in the object view? That would be cool if you can do some nif edits in the CK.

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You can simply create a container (in CK) without any NIF. Just leave "Model" blank and it will be invisible.


REALLY??!! wow in previous games that would give you a pink-purple object in the game. Well that is good to know that the game can handle that kind of hack then, thanks.

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