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Thieves Guild Unfindable


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Hi, new to the forums and modding in general. I recently found myself thinking about playing Skyrim, but then realized that I could play something with probably similar quality by taking advantage of the massive open-source upgrade project that is the Oblivion modding community. So I did a couple of google searches, read up on how to use BOSS, OBMM, and WryeBash, found a good list of mods, and went to town on my vanilla copy of Oblivion before starting a single game.


Now I've noticed a couple of bugs. I can deal with things like imperial guardsmen taking their horses for a swim or slaughterfish deciding to see how far they can flop from the lake towards the forest, but the one thing I cannot deal with is the loss of the Thieves Guild. I have persuaded, bribed and charmed various beggars up to 90 disposition, but they all continue to insist that the Grey Fox is a fairytale. I tried a brief stint in the slammer, but nobody came to recruit me. I even went to the console and used setstage TG00FindThievesGuild 40, only to find that nobody shows up in the garden at any time between midnight and 3AM. So. I've concluded that one of my mods is probably at fault. The only question is, which of the 100 or so that I have installed is it?


That's where you, the knowledgeable, dedicated, welcoming and generous members of the modding community, come in. Does anyone know of a mod that might cause this issue? I've attached a few screenshots depicting all the mods listed in WryeBash. Please help if at all possible. I'd hate to go back to vanilla just because of one stupid glitch.


Ok, I was going to attach those images, but the 250K upload limit put something of a damper on that plan. So here's a quick list of what I believe are the biggest, most potentially problem-causing mods I have installed:


uFCOM (including OOO, Francesco's, MMM and COBL)

All Natural

Living Economy (I read that vendor gold alterations can cause thieves guild problems...?)

Choices and Consequences

Oblivion War Cry


Unofficial Patch

Unique Landscapes Project (all of them)

Stealth Overhaul

At Home Alchemy

Unnecessary Violence II - Taking Action

...and a functional Bashed Patch, all nicely rebuilt and everything

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