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Editing the Far Harbor DLC


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Can somebody here please help me with one simple thing in CK? I'm trying to turn the Inquisitor Cowl into a mask and in my experience of messing with other people's mods, all I need to do is edit the slots it should occupy in. But here's the thing, the DLC is a .esm file and you can't edit Master files that I know. Now I tried using Wrye Bash by copying the .esm file into a .esp file, edit the plugin, then copy it back into the .esm file. It sort of worked because whenever I opened the master file in CK, it shows the changes, but in the game it says otherwise. Also there seems to be an error when it comes to finding the item's name in CK, it say's "LOOKUP FAILED!" so I assume something went wrong with the save. I don't really know but if anybody can help with me with my dilemma I much appreciate it :D

Update: I GIVE UP! I have tried every tutorial, every method from every forum I search. I tried making it a plugin a depended on the master file, I EVEN MADE IT A STANDALONE MOD! I ALSO messed with the Meshes and bones to the point where I might actually kill myself from looking at a monitor screen. This item is stubborn as hell! In the end it won't show up, always invisible no matter what I do. I'm just gonna go to the Mod Request Forums and ask if anybody is willing to spend the night like I did to make a simple irritating mod that makes the Inquisitor Cowl into a mask -.-...

Edited by robitx
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Yeah I assume you could because I was able to do so with FNV but I guess it's a whole lot different with FO4 since it's Bethesda... Anyway I tried that and edited the plugin which only contained the armor ID and the armor addon as a mask, not a full helm cowl thing (idk). I went to test it out and sure enough it does change the name but the ID is still the same and it doesn't show the mesh it's suppose to use even though it's been set to the right location of the .nif file. I'm not sure if it's because the DLC is conflicting with it or not I don't know.

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