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Creation Kit: Gizmo


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Is it just me, or is the CK movement and rotation Gizmo really twitchy? Sometimes it locks to an axis, sometimes does not work at all; really really irritating times the axis selected does not rotate/move along that axis, but another one altogether!


I can sometimes sortof fix it by toggling it on/off, or switching between rotate/move or hitting 'G' to switch between world/object orientation, but even that is not 100%. Sometimes dropping another object seems to release the locked axis, but not always.


Ugh. Please tell me I am doing something wrong, because I can fix that. If not, well... damn.

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  • 4 months later...
I also get problems with this stuff , only after the latest patch. I think Bethesda screwed there something. They also screwed lighting for me (shadow casters to be exact) and water (Which I think I had issues with before) etc.
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  • 6 months later...

I'm having an issue whare all of the gimo's are extremely tiny. i went to the prefferences and changed the gizmo size to every size i could think of and it has no effect. if someone could help with this i would be much obliged.

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