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help for a newbie.

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I don't know if this is the right section for this and if it's not then I'm sorry. Long story short I wanted to turn all my loose textures into one big ba2 file. Now I've gone through a lot of forums, video, ect, that say something different on how to do this. I've done chucksteel's answer on "How do I pack textures into a .ba2?" I've created a dummy esp and created my ba2 from archive2 (CK can burn because of errors) I've done everything I could find on youtube, google, ect and the bloody thing won't work in-game. I feel like I would have a easier time running for president then doing this.


long story short, how do I get a my dummy esp to see the ba2 and get the whole thing to work in-game? I'm literately at a brick wall with this.

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Whats the mod do? Is it replacement assets?

It's a texture replacer. Mostly things like the cover of comics, billboards, ect. I just want someone to help or at least show me how to get a ba2 to work. I do take a blank / dummy esp and already have the ba2 but i have no way of getting it to work in-game. Like i said, I've tried everything i could find on multiple google searches.

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I don't know if this is the right section for this and if it's not then I'm sorry. Long story short I wanted to turn all my loose textures into one big ba2 file. Now I've gone through a lot of forums, video, ect, that say something different on how to do this. I've done chucksteel's answer on "How do I pack textures into a .ba2?" I've created a dummy esp and created my ba2 from archive2 (CK can burn because of errors) I've done everything I could find on youtube, google, ect and the bloody thing won't work in-game. I feel like I would have a easier time running for president then doing this.
long story short, how do I get a my dummy esp to see the ba2 and get the whole thing to work in-game? I'm literately at a brick wall with this.
So I was trying to edit my last post to be more detailed and forgot to hit save till after some other posts were made. So to make it more coherent I deleted it's text and am saving this post.
You don't get your dummy esp to see the ba2. That's the wrong way to think about it.
As long as you set the esp to be actively loaded like any other mod, then the game will look for a "main" and "textures" named ba2. For example: your esp is "espname.esp". It will look for "espname - main.ba2". It will also look for "espname - textures.ba2" with a space before and after the hyphen. Either or both can exist and it will load one or both that it finds. From a technical standpoint on pc any type of assets can go in either file. When packing for xbox this is not the case. Then the texture archive has to be specifically formatted to hold such, and the textures must be in a very specific format. Therefore when packing from the CK for xbox it will do it all for you.
For PC when I repack mods (for personal use) that I download and contain loose assets. I put meshes, textures, and material files in the "textures" ba2 and compress. I then put scripts and sounds in the main and DO NOT compress or the sounds get all jacked up. I recall previously there were concerns about compressing scripts, but I haven't done any testing to verify if there are still issues. Since they're typically pretty small to begin with I don't worry much about it. The vanilla ba2's do not compress the scripts, sounds, or interface files.
If you named your ba2 properly then just activating the esp is enough to get the game to load it. The next issue is if you actually packed it properly. You could re-open the ba2 and verify that the paths it shows are correct. Starting with a base of "textures" and not something like "program files (x86)" or what not.
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