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Request - Mage Home with Tower


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So like many others I am having a hard time finding a home for my pure mage character. I wish I had the patience to learn the CK as I have some very specific wants on this:


1) The home will have only ONE level/floor not counting the attached tower. In modern terms we would call this "ranch style".


2) Main room at the entrance would be "open concept" with sitting area and small kitchen. Full size alchemy station in main large entrance room ( but no enchanter). Perhaps one or two weapon racks but no more.


3) One large bedroom with two double beds and large bath tub/hot tub with seating for 3 and "realistic" Dwemer plumbing for it. NPCs should auto undress/redress as entering and exiting the tub area. Bonus if you can work a nice Dibella statue into the tub area. I don't know if it's possible but if a script could be written for NPCs to auto undress/redress when sleeping on the beds that would be sweet too.


4) no kids room or separate follower room


5) medium sized library with ornate desk and maps on walls...several bookcases and shelves


6) plenty of static clutter appropriate for Mages. All furniture should be Noble type. One safe of each type (small and large). A couple of chests but no elaborate displays for trophies with two exceptions - library should have display/storage for the Black Books, Oghma Infinium and the Elder Scrolls.


7) The Tower portion of the house will have NO STAIRS but instead have doors to the "bottom level" and behind the doors is an open round room with nothing but a glowing rune on the floor (like a lightning rune trap I guess). If you stand and look up you can see the bare insides of walls of the tower and a single floor WAY UP. After standing on the rune for a few seconds - ZAP and in a showy but non damaging flash you are teleported straight up to the top level which is an outdoor space with rails and a rooftop like the towers from the hearthfire homes but a larger diameter. How large? Large enough to hold a FULL SIZE Enchanter table and still have room for a small table 3 chairs and space to stand at the railing and take in a beautiful view. Static goblets and fruit would be great on the table setting. Candles with light would also be good.


:cool: Ideally this house will be located on a small island on lake Ilinalta. Externally the house should take up most of the island. The outside of the house should be ornate but a little sinister. It should be in the higher end style of the Whiterun buildings rather than the thatch roofed hut style of Riverwood. The tower should be quite tall....taller even than the ones that come with the Hearthfire homes.The house should have a back or side door that leads out into a small sitting area with a stone table and seating for 3 or 4 along with a fire-pit and grind stone. The grind-stone should be the ONLY smithing equipment. Some statues that function as worship shrines would be good as well. Dibella, Azura and Talos would be my picks. I'd like the grounds to be mostly stone or short grass with no weeds or tall grass. Lastly I'd love for there to be a spot in the "yard" that has the same rune as the teleporter at the bottom of the tower this would be the spot you would land when using the fast travel marker that should be on the game's world map.



Edit- almost forgot NO mannequins!

Edited by WebHobbit
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