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Making Mods with books: Will it be read?


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Hello all!


I'm a great fan of all the books in The Elder Scrolls, spending a great deal of my time in just wandering around cities/taverns and reading books. Lately, I've been experimenting with the Creation Kit and was thinking about making some "treasure hunt" mods. The idea is very simple: Promise the player a treasure if he can solve the riddles/use the clues and find it. Now I was thinking in writing some short books for Skyrim myself, leaving some clues beind in them for my mod.


I was wondering: Do people actually read a lot of books, and will they find reading my books to find clues that lead to a treasure enjoyable, or just boring and stupid? In other words, what do YOU think about it? If I can get many opinions on this, I can try to create a mod that people will enjoy, instead of one that most people will hate. Please give me your opinion!


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Koidokus
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Well I have a mod with multiple locations and am having trouble working out a quest to actually work. So I added a note with clues practically saying exactly where a key thats needed is at. Now there is a message on the comments page saying they cant find the key, and they looked in a chest. The key is sitting on a stool and clearly stated in the note it is on a stool and where the stool is located in the cave and there was no mention of any chests in the note. That was 1 out of about 300 downloads. So reading to get the clues does work with the occasional herpa-derp I'm lost.


Then there are those that enjoy reading the books and several proposed mods that are book oriented prior to yours. Also a common request for house mods is "add more bookshelves". The question really should be is your mod what you would want in the game?

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yeah people always want to be told where to go. Unlike modern games morrowind was a great example of learning common sense XD Details are important. Don't cater to idiots, but to avoid them asking you 100 times, put it in the FAQ.
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Problem with FAQ's is those same idiots that will ask 100 times will not read them hell they dont see the this forum is not for mod requests and yet they post them here.. Fun fact on my mod i have screenshots showing the key from where you can get it and from another angle showing where in the cave itself it would be located, mod description say to read the note to learn how to find the key... So yes sometimes no matter what the idiots will come back asking how and where questions. Imagine them playing Myst where the game was all clues and no floating arrow to the next one.
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