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Night Elf Race mod request


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hopping on a person would make this mod




something like the Nord race but with a purple skin and some elf ears (not them the other elves have ingame, like them on my pic at the botton just purple like once skin)


glowing whitely eyes


skin colors:

varius of purple


hair colors:

dark blue / green (see my pic in the botton)






+10 sneak

+5 light armor

+5 one handed

+5 restoration

+5 achery



Racial power:


Shadowmeld : invisbility for 30 sec 1 hour (game hour) cooldown





eksampel on apperance:





mods used for the pic:


Airy Armor Mod (for the ears (only one color and have to be made at a Forge)

Cover eyes (for better eyes)

Bella's Better Females (Less Makeup Version) (face mod)

extended slider colors

Edited by sammemike
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