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NPC Controlled Perk Respec?


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Hello Skyrimnexus, I have a question. I've been looking around the site and have seen quite a few Mods that allow you to Respec your Perks. However, all of these use either specific commands or specific keyboard keys. My question is, would it be possible to create an NPC in game that can control you resetting your perks? Something along the line of Testicales the debug Centurion from Fallout: New Vegas, just with perks instead. I don't want to go into detail, but the situation I want to use this for doesn't allow for console commands or keyboard keys.


So, to summarize:


Would it be possible for someone to create a generic NPC that does not utilize new textures, armors, etc. that can perform specific commands without the console? Unvoiced, of course.

Edited by fake333
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