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Some general questions about the CK


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At the moment I'm trying to modify Riften house to be more to my liking. During the process I stumbled on some annoying things and I was wondering if somebody could help me out because maybe I'm missing something. My issues are as follow:


1) I'm trying to modify Honeyside, mostly the basement. It's very irritating that each and every time I start up the CK I have to highlight almost every item from the ground floor separately (if I try to draw a box I often also highlight stuff from the basement) and then toggle it's visibility by pressing 1. Is there a better way to hide whole levels in a multilevel cell or maybe it's possible to make the CK remember which items were hidden so I wouldn't have to hide those that get in the way every time I start to work?


2) Is it possible to lock items so they would be visible but not selectable and editable (something similar to lock layer in Adobe Illustrator if anyone knows that program). I think that would help a lot in a situation when I have the walls sorted out and want to move to putting furniture in. Now when I try to do that I have to be very careful with highlighting stuff otherwise I move shelves with the walls that they hang from but if I make the walls invisible using 1 I can't see if the items are positioned correctly


3) Another thing that I miss from Illustrator is grouping stuff. For example a functional mannequin is made out of 3-4 elements depending if you add a base of some sort. Now if I want to move this contraption I can either click on it which only selects the most outer marker, or draw a box that will select parts of the mannequin + ceiling/floor/wall depending on what direction I'm looking from. Is it possible to make things like assembled mannequins, shelves with things placed on it or assembled weapon racks behave like a single unit? For example now if I want to fine tune the items rotation I select the item, right click go to edit and operate from there. If I do the same with an assembled mannequin the edit box will only work for the most outer marker which makes fine tunning the position really annoying


4) At the moment I also have a problem with moving furniture with smaller things placed on it (shelves/tables). If I draw a box and select the piece of furniture + the items and move them together from room 1 to room 2 it all looks OK in the CK but in game only for ex. the shelve moves to room 2 but all the alchemical ingredients that were placed on it stay in room 1 where they just fall to the floor. Any ideas what is causing that?

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1) I would sugest rotating the render window so that you are looking at the interior from the side. then you can bandbox select everything above a certain point and hide it.


2) No, sorry.


3) No, there was a group function in the GECK but that was entirely different and is inexplicably missing from Skyrim.


4) I suspect the reason for this is that the "small items" are misc items/Ingredients etc. and therefore the positions of such items have been saved into your existing save game. To see is the items have moved where you think they have...


Launch Skyrim

Do NOT load a game, but on the main menu open the console.

Type "COC RiftenHoneyside" (or whatever the cell name is, I can't remember of the top of my head)

You will now be in the interior without any interferance from any save game with a level 1 Nord male character.

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