agedexpressions Posted July 18, 2017 Share Posted July 18, 2017 My apologies- I've never posted before, but this CTD has been driving me crazy. There was a point inside of Whiterun that would crash to desktop, but I couldn't figure it out, so I just walked around it. Now, though, I am heading to the second dragon encounter with the guard outside of the city, and it continues to CTD once I get to a certain line outside the city. Below are my Load Order and Papyrus Logs. When I do a windows grep search, it shows that the error has to do with the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, but that doesn't seem right, so I am not sure if I am doing things correctly. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 Hearthfires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 7 7 ApachiiHair.esm 8 8 BSAssets.esm 9 9 BSHeartland.esm 10 a BSPatchSE.esp 11 b arnima.esm 12 c SkyMoMod.esm 13 d BS_DLC_patch.esp 14 e Falskaar.esm 15 f Gray Fox Cowl.esm 16 10 TravellersOfSkyrim.esm 17 11 Cutting Room Floor.esp 18 12 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 19 13 NirnrootAlchemyExperience.esp 20 14 Unlimited Training.esp 21 15 Easy lockpicking.esp 22 16 No BS AI Projectile Dodge (Magic and Arrows) - Immersive Projectiles Nondetection of Enemies.esp 23 17 ShoutsCostLessSouls.esp 24 18 Peacekeeper.esp 25 19 Longer Blessings.esp 26 1a FasterHorses.esp 27 1b InstantMining.esp 28 1c borderlands.esp 29 1d Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp 30 1e MagicalCollegeOfWinterhold.esp 31 1f WARZONES - SSE - Civil Unrest.esp 32 20 WARZONES - SSE - DLC - Assault Attack.esp 33 21 Book Covers Skyrim.esp 34 22 SkillForReading.esp 35 23 MoreBanditCamps(SSE-Edition).esp 36 24 Runandwalkpaces.esp 37 25 Whistle.esp 38 26 Uncle Sheo Legendary.esp 39 27 GetOverHereSpells.esp 40 28 GoOnAhead.esp 41 29 ShowRaceMenuAlternative.esp 42 2a WICO - Wild Hunt Gears.esp 43 2b TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp 44 2c SPTDiverseGuardsSkyrimSE.esp 45 2d AAE Ultimate Edition.esp 46 2e WICO - Immersive People.esp 47 2f QaxeQuestorium.esp 48 30 Undeath.esp 49 31 Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 50 32 BetterQuestObjectives.esp 51 33 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp 52 34 Eli_Breezehome.esp 53 35 UnlimitedBookshelves.esp 54 36 MrBs-UniqueLoot-SE.esp 55 37 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 56 38 Phenderix Magic World.esp 57 39 OpulentThievesGuild.esp 58 3a WICO - USSEP Compatible Patch.esp 59 3b Genuine Giants.esp 60 3c WICO - Immersive Character.esp 61 3d bloodmoon.esp 62 3e Ambriel.esp 63 3f Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 64 40 STL-TARDIS-Regenerated.esp 65 41 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 66 42 Exploding bolt.esp 67 43 Unleveled_Items.esp 68 44 Perks Unbound - Special Edition.esp 69 45 MoonAndStar_MAS.esp 70 46 LongerDurationsandAnnoyanceFixes.esp 71 47 TrueStormsSE.esp 72 48 WerewolfPerksExpanded.esp 73 49 HearthFires Roads.esp 74 4a Quarries of Skyrim.esp 75 4b Riften Eastern Road.esp 76 4c Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp 77 4d BattleAftermath.esp 78 4e Sea of Spirits.esp 79 4f TempleofTime.esp 80 50 Skinripper's Ultimate Advantage.esp 81 51 Better Vampire NPCs.esp 82 52 Monster Mod - Musume Edition.esp 83 53 Cut Content - Windhelm Arena.esp 84 54 CFTO.esp 85 55 Radiant quest reward perk point.esp 86 56 Inigo.esp 87 57 Populated Forts Towers Places Legendary.esp 88 58 cliffs.esp 89 59 UniqueBorderGates-All.esp 90 5a SpecialEditionFollowers.esp 91 5b JRWZAABrumaCompPatch.esp 92 5c WARZONES - SSE - DLC - Assault Attack + UniqueBorderGates-All - Compatibility.esp 93 5d Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp 94 5e JUSTICE - City Exteriors.esp 95 5f Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp 96 60 Solitude Skyway SE.esp 97 61 dawnguardelitesprotectors.esp 98 62 Openworldbosses.esp 99 63 crimsonquestmarkers.esp100 64 The Batcave Reborn.esp101 65 Inhumans - A Marvel Mod.esp102 66 MusicMerge_NR.esp103 67 Readable_Shadowmarks.esp104 68 mrbs-unique artifacts-se.esp105 69 Folkvangr.esp106 6a SanguinairVampirism.esp107 6b mihaillurcher.esp108 6c dragonslayerspack.esp109 6d Soljund's Sinkhole.esp110 6e Populated Skyrim Civil War.esp111 6f HiddenCityTreasures.esp112 70 mihailmmaminotaur.esp113 71 CarryOnSkyrimBenAsFollowerV2.2.esp114 72 mihailfiendishkeepers.esp115 73 mihailfogling.esp116 74 mihaillanddreugh.esp117 75 mihailfleshatronach.esp118 76 WheelsOfLull.esp119 77 ForgottenCity.esp120 78 BossChest.esp121 79 moonpath.esp122 7a JRMoonpathPatch.esp123 7b mihailharvestereso.esp124 7c the lungaris - rabbit-like race.esp125 7d dragonslayerspackfarmsmillsminesinns.esp126 7e mihailbolgan.esp127 7f mihailmammoths.esp128 80 HoldBorderBanners.esp129 81 AutoLoadCistern.esp130 82 Insects Begone - Spiders and Chaurus.esp131 83 Insignificant Inconsistences Fix.esp132 84 House Map Markers Legendary.esp133 85 umbrasanctum.esp134 86 SoulReaver.esp135 87 mihailnordicsentinel.esp136 88 ajd_moreorcs_sse_pc.esp137 89 SolitudeWolfTower.esp138 8a Aethernautics.esp139 8b Four Horsemen.esp140 8c mihailoldgod.esp141 8d knightfollower.esp142 8e khajiitcaravanspotprotectors.esp143 8f Ring of AirWalking - Skyrim Edition.esp144 90 SSE Skinripper's Mage Chest.esp145 91 frostknightbattle.esp146 92 followergoldbeard.esp147 93 thelastdragonbornfollower.esp148 94 UnlimitedSummons.esp149 95 CrowdControlExtended.esp150 96 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp151 97 WICO - Immersive Dawnguard.esp152 98 UnrelentingForce700%.esp153 99 UnreadBooksGlow.esp154 9a Master of weapons - All In One.esp155 9b ElementalArrows.esp156 9c Phenderix Arcane Archery.esp157 9d LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp158 9e Weightless Firewood.esp159 9f Proper Aiming.esp160 a0 Gray Fox Cowl - Alternative Start.esp161 a1 AK - Modesty Mod.esp162 a2 Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp163 a3 AdditionalMusicProjectReplacer.esp164 a4 AdditionalMusicProject.esp165 a5 Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp166 a6 NirShor-MusicalLore.esp167 a7 Celtic Music in Skyrim - Combat.esp168 a8 Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp169 a9 TavernGames.esp170 aa mihailesocenturion.esp171 ab Ultimate Dodge Mod.esp172 ac Pickpocketing-Forever.esp173 ad Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp174 ae Dragonborn Empowered.esp175 af SlowTimePower.esp176 b0 Immersive Spell Visuals.esp177 b1 DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp178 b2 TsunBetterPerks.esp179 b3 DTWerewolfMeter.esp180 b4 ThaneWeaponsReborn.esp181 b5 Elemental_Dragons.esp182 b6 Forever_A_Thane.esp183 b7 NeocatzeosResurrectRod.esp184 b8 PyP_Legendary.esp185 b9 ShadTweaks_ENG.esp186 ba Missing Apprentices CRF Quest Fix.esp187 bb MCoW_Cutting Room Floor.esp188 bc Public Executions.esp189 bd Insects Begone - Dawnguard - Spiders and Chaurus.esp190 be Insects Begone - DragonBorn Spiders and Ashoppers.esp191 bf Men of Winter.esp192 c0 True Miraak.esp193 c1 mihailmmasithis.esp194 c2 Men of Winter - Compatibility Patch.esp195 c3 Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp196 c4 Open Cities Skyrim.esp197 c5 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp198 c6 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp199 c7 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp [07/17/2017 - 04:49:04PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[07/17/2017 - 04:49:04PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 2000.000000ms)[07/17/2017 - 04:49:04PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)[07/17/2017 - 04:49:09PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC1TestPhilAtronach", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:11PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartDriverScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:11PM] Cannot open store for class "TIF__0407DC8D", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:11PM] error: Unable to bind script TIF__0407DC8D to topic info 0B07DC8D on <nullptr quest> because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:12PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:12PM] Cannot open store for class "QaxeRRQ02DeathScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:12PM] Cannot open store for class "ILQ20PholeaDeathScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:12PM] Cannot open store for class "ILQ15FailQuestDeathScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0102B30D", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] error: Unable to bind script QF__0102B30D to Favor017COPY0000 (2F02B30D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__021F6BBF", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] error: Unable to bind script PF__021F6BBF to (2F1F6BBF) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__021F6BC0", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] error: Unable to bind script PF__021F6BC0 to (2F1F6BC0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] Cannot open store for class "Mycastanotherspellscript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:13PM] Cannot open store for class "betterstealthai_main", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Failed to find variable ::pDialogueFollower_var used in TweakRecruitMjoll.Fragment_0()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigBase", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] Error: Unable to link "SKI_ConfigBase" - the parent of "TweakMCMScript".[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in TweakMCMScript.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in TweakMCMScript.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in TweakMCMScript.OnPageReset()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script TweakMCMScript to TweakMCM (3706661B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (3700C515) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (3700C515) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (37017788) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (37017201) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] Cannot open store for class "ConjureHorseScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixPUMSConfigMenuScript to ZZPhenderixModConfigurationMenu (3800CDFA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:14PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixMCMMenu to ZZMCMQuest (38091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:15PM] Cannot open store for class "MASLuckOfTheEmperorScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:15PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in PopLandsMCMMenu.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:15PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in PopLandsMCMMenu.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:15PM] error: Unable to bind script PopLandsMCMMenu to PopLandsMCM (4C02297F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:15PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixMCMMenu to ZZMCMQuest (5F091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:16PM] error: Unable to bind script UBG20ConfigMenuQuestScript to UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (99010546) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:16PM] Cannot open store for class "rrr5WayShotScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:16PM] Cannot open store for class "rrrSummonMonsterRimit60", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:16PM] Cannot open store for class "rrrSummonMonsterRimit30", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Failed to find variable ::ModName_var used in ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu.OnConfigInit()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Failed to find variable ::CurrentVersion_var used in ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu.OnVersionUpdate()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu.OnVersionUpdate()[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Unable to bind script ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu to ARTHOCSOptionalsQuest (C4051BC2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:17PM] error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (1C011920) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:18PM] Cannot open store for class "_aaTimedLightSwitch", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:18PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB6) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:18PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:18PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB3) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:18PM] error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (1C00F8B4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] Cannot open store for class "MoonpathEnabler", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script MoonpathEnabler to (7906F811) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script dunSetRestrainedWhenSeated to (0B0927E0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265DD8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017E07) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01856D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265E15) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009C68) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265E14) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01597D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0087D8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017083) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017082) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F00965E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F010FC5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:19PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015F56) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F7EA63D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F7EA675) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F83CE79) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script AQSprigganFXScript to Item 1 in container (3E4F42AE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script DefaultOnReadSetQuestStage to (1C005038) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (0200FBF5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script ILQ15FailQuestDeathScript to (2F1D93E1) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script ILQ20PholeaDeathScript to (2F1E8462) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstagealiasscript to (2F00DB56) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F007524) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F007523) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D05) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D01) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0115AC) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F92932B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F929329) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F929332) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F92932A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0197F8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F013817) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D1B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01BEB0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F165B17) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F165AF8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F011B8D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0197F6) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015972) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01E003) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015970) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] Cannot open store for class "QaxeMtPerilLightSwitch", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeMtPerilLightSwitch to (2F0B8E6C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510815BB) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B7) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090475) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815AF) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B8A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5109047C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51097B7D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090476) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B82) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815BA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B81) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA26) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510815B0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B85) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815AD) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090480) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953D0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B80) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B86) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C9) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B88) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5112ED55) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E794) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E798) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E796) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B3) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA28) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B83) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51097B83) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B9) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953C7) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5103E791) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5109047F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090478) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5108DCD8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51090482) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CB) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5109047E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953C4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B89) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CC) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5108DCDA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:20PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B84) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstageonplayeracquireitem to alias Sap on quest arnimasprigganquest (0B078EE2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstageonplayeracquireitem to alias sap2 on quest arnimasprigganquest (0B078EE2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias ForestFall on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias Pinewood on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias WhiteMountain on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias NorthWatch on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest WZA_ConfigMenu (2001AEA4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias Player on quest TweakMCM (3706661B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZPhenderixModConfigurationMenu (3800CDFA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZMCMQuest (38091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Tiber Septim on quest AQAmbriel15Gods (3E0053CE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Ambriel07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Toorsil07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Katariah07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias AQNaarifin16 on quest AQAmbriel16Fort (3E484B8C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Tiber on quest AQAmbriel16FortScene01 (3E4C68F4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_ConfigBase to alias PlayerRef on quest PopLandsMCM (4C02297F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZMCMQuest (5F091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (7901ED3C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (99010546) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ARTHOCSOptionalsQuest (C4051BC2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AQVictim03 on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks03_045F1C2B attached to (3E5F1C2B) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (6) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AQVictim02 on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks02_045F1C2A attached to (3E5F1C2A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (5) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property ChairMarkerREF on script QaxeCraftingTomeScript attached to (2FECC2B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AQ25SithisEnd on script PF_AQAmbriel25Sithis150_043DD8D6 attached to (3E3DD8D6) cannot be bound because (0201AA85) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (30225243) cannot be bound because (30125087) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property TargetLocation5 on script QaxeShipWheelTravelTrigger attached to (2F03A6FB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Alias_Vex on script ARNA_QF__04072CD7 attached to ArnimaRadiantBeggarQuest (0B072CD7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA00D1A8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (3403E248) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3403C770) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B91) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_TARDISDOORSOUND on script stl_tr_doorscript attached to (404608A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B93) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (40200AFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1441) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1440) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property JailDoor on script CYR_QF_CYRBrumaMS01_03003A58 attached to CYRBrumaMS01 (09003A58) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Caelia on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property CaeliaDress on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property CaeliaShoes on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property arnimasound on script ArnimaDestroyonactivate attached to (0B3128A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B10) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property FCQuest01 on script FCStartQuest attached to alias Note on quest 000FCQuest01 (77012BB9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MASRedBeam on script MASShieldTrickLeverScript attached to (450165F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property prisonerclothes on script PE_prisonerinit attached to (BC003A2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AFTERMATHFX_ExplosionObject on script WZA_TriggerScript attached to (2001CBC8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (2002FD30) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property arnimasound on script ArnimaDestroyonactivate attached to (0B399638) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AQThalmorHunter on script PF_AQAmbrielHunter001HunterF_044FE42C attached to (3E4FE42C) cannot be bound because (0007DCAA) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MASRingDropScript on script MASMandynDeath attached to (4500E7FE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant03 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property BrolQuest on script FCPalaceEntryTriggerScript attached to (77093739) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property RaiseZombie on script _SEF_SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02002B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property AQVictim on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks_045ECAE7 attached to (3E5ECAE7) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (0) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property UlrinScene on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property CenturionMusic on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property MUSJudgment on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B14) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C98) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C99) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F03BE7F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWindhelmMTScript attached to (4501AB2D) cannot be bound because (000168DC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWindhelmMTScript attached to (4501AB2C) cannot be bound because (000168DC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (40303085) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (400701E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (4040F787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_TARDISDOORSOUND on script stl_tr_doorscript attached to (40019D36) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (4049848A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property illiaRef on script dunDarklightIlliaUnlockScript attached to (3801AB62) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3801AAED) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0906505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0906507B) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (3022523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA02B7BC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA0266BA) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains3 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains3 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB29) cannot be bound because (00016B0A) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript2 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB29) cannot be bound because (0005D8B9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB28) cannot be bound because (00016B0A) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript2 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB28) cannot be bound because (0005D8B9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains1 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains1 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property BadShader on script MASFirstAnswer attached to (45005E69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1438) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASMarkarthMTScript attached to (4501AB2B) cannot be bound because (00077D5B) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWhiterunMTScript attached to (4501AB23) cannot be bound because (000166A9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property _version on script tpCCQuestScript attached to tpCCQuest (9501B1B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property TitanMaxHealth on script MASKagrenarScript attached to MASKagrenar (45005E60) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASRiftenMTScript attached to (4501AB27) cannot be bound because (00016C4E) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASRiftenMTScript attached to (4501AB26) cannot be bound because (00016C4E) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property PlayerAlias on script ARTH_SCRP_QuestInitalizerScript attached to CRFInitializer (110368FD) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (7) on <nullptr quest> (00025230) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWhiterunMTScript attached to (4501AB24) cannot be bound because (000166A9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B12) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property RefToDisable on script defaultDisableOtherObjectWhenTaken attached to (3801A9CB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3801AA02) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property Commentator on script _SAG_PlayCards_MainScript attached to _SAG_LetsPlayCards_Quest (A900C54E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (A900C5AE) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant01 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Explosion1 on script MASMTSpawnScript attached to (4501AB32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property pTweakAnimals on script TweakRecruitDog attached to topic info 0009A7A3 on quest DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) cannot be bound because DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant02 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains2 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains2 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C96) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C97) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (370012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (370012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property Alias_Player on script QF_001BorderlandsStart_01002685 attached to BorderlandsStart (1C002685) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B11) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] VM is freezing...[07/17/2017 - 04:49:25PM] VM is frozen[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] Reverting game...[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017082) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0197F6) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script MoonpathEnabler to (7906F811) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0115AC) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (1C011920) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstagealiasscript to (2F00DB56) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F00965E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01856D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5112ED55) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixPUMSConfigMenuScript to ZZPhenderixModConfigurationMenu (3800CDFA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixMCMMenu to ZZMCMQuest (5F091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090480) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CC) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5109047C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5103E791) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F7EA63D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5109047F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F92932A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B9) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953C7) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090476) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeMtPerilLightSwitch to (2F0B8E6C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B7) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F010FC5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F929332) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015972) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015970) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script ARTH_OCS_ConfigMenu to ARTHOCSOptionalsQuest (C4051BC2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QF__0102B30D to Favor017COPY0000 (2F02B30D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script dunSetRestrainedWhenSeated to (0B0927E0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01597D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815AD) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815AF) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script AQSprigganFXScript to Item 1 in container (3E4F42AE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F011B8D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F83CE79) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B84) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5108DCDA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B89) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953C4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CB) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5108DCD8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090478) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51097B83) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B83) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA28) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815B3) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E796) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510953CE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B88) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C9) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B80) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953D0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510815B0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B81) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5108DCD5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (510815BA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B82) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510953C5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51097B7D) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51090475) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265DD8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F013817) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0087D8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01E003) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F165B17) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F01BEB0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixMCMMenu to ZZMCMQuest (38091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D1B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F0197F8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F929329) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (2F92932B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D01) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009D05) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F007523) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F007524) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script ILQ20PholeaDeathScript to (2F1E8462) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script ILQ15FailQuestDeathScript to (2F1D93E1) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script FXSkeletonNecroScript to (2F7EA675) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (0200FBF5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F015F56) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017083) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265E14) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F009C68) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F265E15) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script TIF__0407DC8D to topic info 0B07DC8D on quest ArnimaGuardDialogue (0B0778C0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F165AF8) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB3) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB6) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PopLandsMCMMenu to PopLandsMCM (4C02297F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (23000DB5) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script UBG20ConfigMenuQuestScript to UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (99010546) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E794) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script TweakMCMScript to TweakMCM (3706661B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (510815BB) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (1C00F8B4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PF__021F6BC0 to (2F1F6BC0) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script PF__021F6BBF to (2F1F6BBF) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (51090482) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B86) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5109047E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script DefaultOnReadSetQuestStage to (1C005038) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA2F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (37017201) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B85) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (3700C515) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (3700C515) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E798) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (37017788) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5102AA26) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script QaxeRRQ02DeathScript to (2F017E07) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (51097B8A) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:26PM] error: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5103E79E) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:49:32PM] error: Unable to bind script PhenderixTeleportationScript to topic info 38E0D9AC on <nullptr quest> because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] Loading game...[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZMCMQuest (5F091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias ForestFall on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Katariah07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ARTHOCSOptionalsQuest (C4051BC2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZPhenderixModConfigurationMenu (3800CDFA) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias AQNaarifin16 on quest AQAmbriel16Fort (3E484B8C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (99010546) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstageonplayeracquireitem to alias sap2 on quest arnimasprigganquest (0B078EE2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (7901ED3C) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Tiber Septim on quest AQAmbriel15Gods (3E0053CE) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_ConfigBase to alias PlayerRef on quest PopLandsMCM (4C02297F) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest ZZMCMQuest (38091EA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias NorthWatch on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Tiber on quest AQAmbriel16FortScene01 (3E4C68F4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Ambriel07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias PlayerAlias on quest WZA_ConfigMenu (2001AEA4) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstageonplayeracquireitem to alias Sap on quest arnimasprigganquest (0B078EE2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias WhiteMountain on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultsetStageTrigSCRIPT to alias Pinewood on quest BorderlandsMStart (1C00BAA2) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script FXunsommonSCRIPT to alias Toorsil07 on quest AQAmbriel07Toorsil (3E1BA283) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to alias Player on quest TweakMCM (3706661B) because their base types do not match[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property AQVictim03 on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks03_045F1C2B attached to (3E5F1C2B) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (6) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property AQVictim02 on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks02_045F1C2A attached to (3E5F1C2A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (5) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property ChairMarkerREF on script QaxeCraftingTomeScript attached to (2FECC2B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property AQ25SithisEnd on script PF_AQAmbriel25Sithis150_043DD8D6 attached to (3E3DD8D6) cannot be bound because (0201AA85) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (30225243) cannot be bound because (30125087) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property TargetLocation5 on script QaxeShipWheelTravelTrigger attached to (2F03A6FB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property Alias_Vex on script ARNA_QF__04072CD7 attached to ArnimaRadiantBeggarQuest (0B072CD7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA00D1A8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (3403E248) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3403C770) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B91) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property STL_TR_TARDISDOORSOUND on script stl_tr_doorscript attached to (404608A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B93) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (40200AFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1441) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1440) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B14) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property Caelia on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property CaeliaDress on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property CaeliaShoes on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (7705D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property arnimasound on script ArnimaDestroyonactivate attached to (0B3128A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:07PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B10) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property FCQuest01 on script FCStartQuest attached to alias Note on quest 000FCQuest01 (77012BB9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MASRedBeam on script MASShieldTrickLeverScript attached to (450165F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property prisonerclothes on script PE_prisonerinit attached to (BC003A2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (45011E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property arnimasound on script ArnimaDestroyonactivate attached to (0B399638) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant01 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property AQThalmorHunter on script PF_AQAmbrielHunter001HunterF_044FE42C attached to (3E4FE42C) cannot be bound because (0007DCAA) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant03 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property BrolQuest on script FCPalaceEntryTriggerScript attached to (77093739) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property RaiseZombie on script _SEF_SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02002B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (3022523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property PlayerAlias on script ARTH_SCRP_QuestInitalizerScript attached to CRFInitializer (110368FD) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (7) on <nullptr quest> (00025230) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property AQVictim on script PF_AQPlayerAttacks_045ECAE7 attached to (3E5ECAE7) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (0) on <nullptr quest> (3E39BBE1) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property JailDoor on script CYR_QF_CYRBrumaMS01_03003A58 attached to CYRBrumaMS01 (09003A58) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWindhelmMTScript attached to (4501AB2D) cannot be bound because (000168DC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWindhelmMTScript attached to (4501AB2C) cannot be bound because (000168DC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0906505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0906507B) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property Commentator on script _SAG_PlayCards_MainScript attached to _SAG_LetsPlayCards_Quest (A900C54E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (A900C5AE) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B11) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F1438) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Alias_Player on script QF_001BorderlandsStart_01002685 attached to BorderlandsStart (1C002685) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B12) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA02B7BC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property aleDeconstructGreatHammerPerk on script DT_DeconstructGreatHammerPerk attached to Item 1 in container (AA0266BA) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (AA04C3FC) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains3 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains3 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB29) cannot be bound because (00016B0A) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript2 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB29) cannot be bound because (0005D8B9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB28) cannot be bound because (00016B0A) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript2 on script MASSolitudeMTScript attached to (4501AB28) cannot be bound because (0005D8B9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains1 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains1 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property BadShader on script MASFirstAnswer attached to (45005E69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property STL_TR_TARDISDOORSOUND on script stl_tr_doorscript attached to (40019D36) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (40303085) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASMarkarthMTScript attached to (4501AB2B) cannot be bound because (00077D5B) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Explosion1 on script MASMTSpawnScript attached to (4501AB32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F082B8D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property UlrinScene on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property CenturionMusic on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MUSJudgment on script FCSunRotates attached to (770AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWhiterunMTScript attached to (4501AB23) cannot be bound because (000166A9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property _version on script tpCCQuestScript attached to tpCCQuest (9501B1B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property AFTERMATHFX_ExplosionObject on script WZA_TriggerScript attached to (2001CBC8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (2002FD30) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property TitanMaxHealth on script MASKagrenarScript attached to MASKagrenar (45005E60) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property illiaRef on script dunDarklightIlliaUnlockScript attached to (3801AB62) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3801AAED) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property MASRingDropScript on script MASMandynDeath attached to (4500E7FE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (400701E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASRiftenMTScript attached to (4501AB27) cannot be bound because (00016C4E) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property DoorScript1 on script MASRiftenMTScript attached to (4501AB26) cannot be bound because (00016C4E) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property doorScript on script MASWhiterunMTScript attached to (4501AB24) cannot be bound because (000166A9) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property RefToDisable on script defaultDisableOtherObjectWhenTaken attached to (3801A9CB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3801AA02) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (38DA7B13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (4049848A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property STL_TR_Script on script stl_tr_cubescript attached to (4040F787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias Vigilant02 on quest DLC1_WESC02 (020034EA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property pTweakAnimals on script TweakRecruitDog attached to topic info 0009A7A3 on quest DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) cannot be bound because DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C96) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C97) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (370012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (370012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DefaultAshPile1 on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains2 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property DisintegrateOnLoad on script wealiasscript attached to alias VampireRemains2 on quest DLC1_WESC08 (0200351E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property Enemy on script IcicleSOSTrainRmLever attached to (2F1F143E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F03BE7F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C98) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Property familiarDeath on script PhenderixFamiliarScript attached to (5F087C99) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "DagonForceGreetTriggerScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type DagonForceGreetTriggerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "GenericRaceController", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type GenericRaceController referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "ShoulderCannonScript01", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type ShoulderCannonScript01 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_AKJRQ02_049D1DFD", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_AKJRQ02_049D1DFD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_AKMotierre01_046F5DAF", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_AKMotierre01_046F5DAF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "PredHound01_Dialogue", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type PredHound01_Dialogue referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "Dart_Gauntlet01_Script", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type Dart_Gauntlet01_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_MihailSulfurandFire_05270E57", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_MihailSulfurandFire_05270E57 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "ShoulderCannon_Low_Script", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type ShoulderCannon_Low_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "MythicGreetingScript", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type MythicGreetingScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Variable ::DefaultAshPile1_var on script wealiasscript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Variable ::DisintegrateOnLoad_var on script wealiasscript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_PredatorCraftsman02Work8x_0208C7C0", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PredatorCraftsman02Work8x_0208C7C0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "XivilaiPlayer_Script", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type XivilaiPlayer_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "XivilaiRaceController", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type XivilaiRaceController referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_AKJRQ01_049D1DFC", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_AKJRQ01_049D1DFC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "XivilaiDoomstoneAtronach_Script", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type XivilaiDoomstoneAtronach_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_00dmythicleaderdialogue_05248504", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_00dmythicleaderdialogue_05248504 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_00ddagondialogue_052484F5", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:08PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_00ddagondialogue_052484F5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type DagonForceGreetTriggerScript in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PredatorCraftsman02Work8x_0208C7C0 in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_MihailSulfurandFire_05270E57 in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_00ddagondialogue_052484F5 in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_00dmythicleaderdialogue_05248504 in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type PredHound01_Dialogue in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type XivilaiDoomstoneAtronach_Script in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type XivilaiRaceController in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type GenericRaceController in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_AKJRQ01_049D1DFC in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type MythicGreetingScript in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_AKMotierre01_046F5DAF in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type QF_AKJRQ02_049D1DFD in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type Dart_Gauntlet01_Script in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type Dart_Gauntlet01_Script in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type ShoulderCannon_Low_Script in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type ShoulderCannonScript01 in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:09PM] warning: Could not find type XivilaiPlayer_Script in the type table in save[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] VM is thawing...[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Cannot call FindRecorder() on a None object, aborting function callstack: [alias Player on quest AQAmbrielDialogueMain (3E003DEF)].AQFindRecorderScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "AQFindRecorderScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] Cannot open store for class "skse", missing file?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning Nonestack: [alias UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAlias on quest UBG20MaintQuest (9901156D)].UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.Maintenance() - "UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line ? [alias UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAlias on quest UBG20MaintQuest (9901156D)].UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack: [alias UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAlias on quest UBG20MaintQuest (9901156D)].UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.Maintenance() - "UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line ? [alias UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAlias on quest UBG20MaintQuest (9901156D)].UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line ? [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line ? [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line ? [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line ? [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line ? [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Cannot call SetRestrained() on a None object, aborting function callstack: [ArnimaMadShamanQuest (0B0A6E67)].ARNA_QF_ArnimaMadShamanQuest_040A6E67.Fragment_0() - "ARNA_QF_ArnimaMadShamanQuest_040A6E67.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Cannot call SetRestrained() on a None object, aborting function callstack: [ArnimaMadShamanQuest (0B0A6E67)].ARNA_QF_ArnimaMadShamanQuest_040A6E67.Fragment_0() - "ARNA_QF_ArnimaMadShamanQuest_040A6E67.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Cannot call SetRestrained() on a None object, aborting function callstack: [ArnimaWoundedMercQuest (0B00D0FF)].ARNA_QF_ArnimaWoundedMercQues_0400D0FF.Fragment_5() - "ARNA_QF_ArnimaWoundedMercQues_0400D0FF.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Method RegisterForMenu not found on CYRStatsQuestScript. Aborting call and returning Nonestack: [CYRStatsQuest (0907CADF)].CYRStatsQuestScript.Register() - "CYRStatsQuestScript.psc" Line ? [CYRStatsQuest (0907CADF)].CYR_QF_CYRStatsQuest_0307CADF.Fragment_1() - "CYR_QF_CYRStatsQuest_0307CADF.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:11PM] error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0906505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0906507B) is not the right type[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:13PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:23PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:28PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:28PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:28PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:28PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:29PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:29PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:29PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:29PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:34PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ? [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ?[07/17/2017 - 04:50:39PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack: [None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line ? Any assistance that can be offered would be greatly accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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