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Evasion Artifact


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I was wondering how hard it could be to make a piece of head wear (a circlet or a custom invisible item) with an enchantment that gives the wearer a chance to dodge a melee attack (a balanced percentage), such effect already exists in the game in the form of a perk in the light armor tree, I believe. I think Bethesda did a really good job with the rare enchantments on some items or artifacts but but I don´t think there is one with the effect I described.


If someone would have the spare time to do this, that would be much appreciated.


Thank you.

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I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, so let me know if there is anything I could fix :happy:

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Three circlets are added into the game, each boosts evasion chance by 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. Typing help evasion in the console and their names will appear.


I also made a simple craft recipe for now:


Circlet of Minor Evasion (10%) - 2 Iron Ingots

Circlet of Moderate Evasion (25%) - 2 Moonstone Ingots

Circlet of Major Evasion (50%) - 2 Silver Ingots, 2 Gold Ingots, Flawless Sapphire


Hope it helps!

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