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Using console commands to restore a lost character.


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My pc recently went bust and as such I lost my skyrim character. So after spending almost 2 grand on a beast machine I have taken the plunge back into the world of skyrim.

I however really don't want to do some of the guilds all over again, and get the items etc.

Basically I want to start from where I was.


So my question is this. Is there a way to get all of my items back and quest lines completed with out actually doing them? Eg. console commands.


I know I can get my level and perks restored using console commands, but that's only a portion of the fix.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Restoring your character isn't entirely impossible (you can add items by typing "player.additem #", where # is the item ID. I suggest searching UESP.net for those numbers. Doing quests over via console won't work quite right though, and some might not at all, and you can technically restore your head of each guild statuses, like archmage, etc, but those may not fully work either. NPCs and such may not correctly recognize all you've done and whatnot, so you may end up with some broken quests.)


But, are you sure your hard drive in your old comp is fried? Usually (at least in my experience) it isn't what breaks down first (unless you were using a laptop), and if you're up to it, I would suggest just hooking it up into your new rig and copying your old save over. It's really simple to do, and would take less time than all the console commands and probably lead to less problems in your game. But that's just me, up to you.

Edited by AxlRocks
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Restoring your character isn't entirely impossible (you can add items by typing "player.additem #", where # is the item ID. I suggest searching UESP.net for those numbers. Doing quests over via console won't work quite right though, and some might not at all, and you can technically restore your head of each guild statuses, like archmage, etc, but those may not fully work either. NPCs and such may not correctly recognize all you've done and whatnot, so you may end up with some broken quests.)


But, are you sure your hard drive in your old comp is fried? Usually (at least in my experience) it isn't what breaks down first (unless you were using a laptop), and if you're up to it, I would suggest just hooking it up into your new rig and copying your old save over. It's really simple to do, and would take less time than all the console commands and probably lead to less problems in your game. But that's just me, up to you.


Thanks for the reply man.

Yeah that sucker is fried, my mobo and hdd both died randomly somehow. :(

I tested it and alll I get is a pathetic "click" sound as it tries its hardest to spin.

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