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Bypassing Papyrus' processing power limits


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Unlike Oblivion, in Papyrus every script is only given a set amount of processing time. If a script gobbles up more processing time than it's allowed, it has to wait briefly to get some more. For example, if you run one SetPosition function in a neverending While loop, it will actually run about four times every second. This is done so poorly-written scripts don't bog down the entire game.


The problem is that the processing limits are extremely harsh. As said before, a single SetPosition function, running as fast as possible, will still move jerkily enough that you can't use it for smooth movement in scripting (my current problem). I've more-or-less come to terms with the fact that it's not really possible and I'll need to change some gameplay ideas for this mod, but if any of you know how to get around it (something specifically designed not to be gotten around) that would be great. If not, no worries about letting this fall. It's a long shot, and I feel a bit guilty wasting space.

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Nope. Didn't even take a second glance at it while I was cycling through the function list. That will quite likely be useful, depending on how they layer. Thanks very much.


I tried the infinite while loop because OnUpdate blocks got overwhelmed around the same point (half a second). I know very little about actual programming, so I'm stuck in a lot of Oblivion CS habits.

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