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Settlement attack dialogue fix


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Inarguably, the worst thing about a settlement attack is that the settlers won't shut up about it until.. something. You can't trade, you can't get medical attention, you can't change their equipment, nothing.


I can't imagine I'm the first one who is annoyed by that, but I can't find any mod which actually fixes that, without you having to travel to another settlement first or rest for days (I'm not even sure that resting works).


Is there any mod like this? Something which just completely removes the whole "thanks for your help fighting them off" dialogue would be ok.

Or, I read that it has something to do with a faction which isn't removed from the settlers. Maybe a consumable which removes it from all nearby settlers? Or a button or something?


edit: The source for the faction information is this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/458604254419877622/

It's supposed to be "WorkshopAttackDialogueFaction"

Edited by pra
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