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Help with stupid dance mod


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a while back i downloaded and manually installed a mod where your character would dance when idle. I thought it was really funny at first, but ijust came back from a long break from skyrim (school/work) and downloaded a whole bunch of mods through the mod manager to make my guy look beast, but he still does that ridiculous stripper dance!!


i looked all over the internet and i couldn't find a replacement (vanilla) file to put in my hard drive.


and i dont want to reinstall my skyrim, because my computer sucks and it takes wayyyyyy too long!


the file is located inside the skyrim folder-> \Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\female (or male)

any help would be appreciated!

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All of the games default resources are stored in the .bsa archives and should there not be a replacer resource present (the dance animation in this case) it will automatically revert back to the original. In other words, just delete the idle.whatever animation stored at the location you mentioned.
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