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Requesting help with, or just someone else, making a mod.


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I would like to make a spell, a very specific spell, but I suck with the Creation Kit :facepalm:


I would like a spell which shoots arrows as projectiles (like Icy Spear), but with the following things:

- They will travel at high velocity

- They would be able to fire from the center, rather than the sides (not necessary, but would be nice)

- They would not knock-back ragdolls or targets

- The arrows could be picked up

- I would not need arrows in my inventory to use the spell


So far I've gotten along with simply modifying the Icy Spear spell so the projectiles are arrows, but my game crashes whenever I pick up the arrows, and there are some glitches...


I would be eternally grateful if anyone could help me out with this!

Edited by Verior
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