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Remove mage armor visual effects ?


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I don't know if its just part of SSE or a mod with an unknown effect but when using the Alteration Mage armor spells characters seem like they are covered in mud. I don't like this effect so is there a way to remove it ? I have not found a mod to do so. Maybe also if the effect was changed back to the glow I could use a mod that removes the outline.

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This is a mod. You're using a mod called "Cutting Room Floor" by Arthmoor. The mod adds cut content from the game, but it also adds this effect whenever you use armor spells like Ebonyflesh or Dragonhide. It adds a visual based on the spell cast, so if you cast Ironflesh, you will resemble iron etc. I'm not sure if the effect is cut content or if it's just a preference of Arthmoor.


You could fix this problem by yourself by fiddling with the mod, but it would take you a couple of minutes. There is a mod for Oldrim that removed this effect but I don't know if it works on SSE.

Edited by Skagens
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