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NPC Blacksmiths, Enchanters Actually Create Stuff For You


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So, the worst immersion-breaker for me[1] is that I somehow have to find the time to 1. make and 2. enchant my own gear. I got stuff to do! Dragons to kill and such. I don't have anywhere near enough time to learn to do this and keep up with my fencing lessons at the same time.


Also, probably can't buy this stuff at any given stall. Naturally you'd have to collect or buy the raw materials yourself. Everything would be bespoke, and therefore take time (plus you might have to show up for fitting occasionally). The actual artificers might or might not live in the same place. Everyone won't have the equipment to work with all materials. Maybe there're other associated risks, like an enchantment burning down the shop, or dragons who are unhappy about their relatives' body parts being repurposed, orcs jealous of their techniques silencing non-orsirai smiths, mages trying to supress enchanters? They might not like you because of your associations. Maybe add some quests to do before NPCs enchanters will help you?


I might get around to it at some point myself, but free idea for the taking…



[1] Actually it's that you can't bash locks instead of picking them but that's beside the point here.

Edited by meh12345
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But.. merchants do sell enchanted gear. Sure, it's not on par with what you can make yourself, but neither is the dwarven and orcish armour they sell while you could raise your smithing to 100, emptying an ebony mine, robbing Kodlak Whitemane's Daedra heart every week and making and improving a full suit of Daedric armour while only being level 15. So you mean that another merchant would take your unenchanted item, enchant it with a certain level (eg. with fortified one-handed: novice = +10, expert = +22, master = +35) and having enchanted gear to your specifications? Perhaps different enchanters knowing different recipes.
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