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i have a mod idea that id love to make but am most likely unable to because of a complete lack of expreience with code let alone modding.

it is admittedly mostly for the purpouse of roleplay as for example: being a vampire lord might not fit with your character


so theres the idea

at the start of the game you can choose to create multiple characters

you can then decide their basic preferences in weapons and magic for npc behavior as well as a location where they will spawn if nessecary and of course which one is the dragonborn


if set to be at helgen, once you exit these characters will automatically become your followers

if you set them to be at a predetermined location such as an inn they will be there untill you come to pick them up

you can of course also add regular folowers to this party but they wont be compatible for the next part


one of the major parts would be to be able to play as your custom followers

for ewxample you have a wood elf who would propably join the companions but would never become a vampire, however you have another character that would

instead of having this character on a different save youd have all these different characters in your party


another feature that would be good is to be able to tell characters to hang out somewhere for a while and have some members of the party part ways

a mage for example could be set to hang around at the college and a dark brotherhood member in the sanctuary

though being able to change where these characters hang out at any time would be useful

another thing is to skip to any character at any time

feel like playing as your buddy at the thieves guild? boom done

though one of the limitations should be that you can only switch characters when youre in an inside area or a city with walls so that your character has something to do instead of being stuck in a random bandit cave


thats just the rough concept and i doubt theres anyone willing to work one something as specific as this, especialy with someone with 0 coding experience but i thought id throw this idea out there

ill let you know if i ever do start working on it




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yeah , I doubt any of this is actually possible as you want it

however , some of this has actually been done already , just in a different way


look at the mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54509/?

from what I recall , it allows you to upload your current character to the mod , and you can summon it as a follower (with the gear used when uploading it) with any other character

so combine this with a mod that allows you to use multiple followers , and technically you can now play as any of these characters , with the rest as followers

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