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[LE] Stretching Dialogue Topics across multiple Quests?

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Okay, let's say I have my custom quests set up with a simple GetIsID: MyNPC condition first.

So then I have a basic quest dialogue view that looks like this:


Somebody should do something about that hagraven that's been harassing our livestock.

->I'll help you with that hagraven problem



Then, on another quest I have another dialogue view with generic topics that looks like this:


->Tell me about yourself



How can I stretch the dialogue options from the latter into the former, so that it looks like this:


Somebody should do something about that hagraven that's been harassing our livestock.

->I'll help you with that hagraven problem

->Tell me about yourself




So I've obviously simplified it a bit for the sake of giving an example, because there's a lot of dialogue going on here.

I know I can link to branches outside of the quest via the Topic Info window, but that basically imports the branches to the current dialogue view, and I don't feel that is the optimal way of doing things...

Is there a way to make these generic topics appear as an option in all dialogues related to this npc (without making the biggest dialogue view ever) ?



Okay, I got this working thanks to you guys!

Now, I've run into another problem and I basically need to do the exact opposite. xD

I have a quest where my NPC is, well she's supposed to be upset.

The dialogue I have set for her and the packages in here scene has her 'fleeing' to various x-markers (instead of 'traveling' to them) and stuff, so... that should speak for her current state of mind.


The problem is, as soon as she's not engaged in her scene, or in any dialogue, she breaks character and spouts random comments like "need something?", "are you going to use that weapon?" and I... well, from a design perspective I have to say I don't really appreciate her tone sometimes.

I guess I could give her a custom package where, during these stages in the quest, she's blocked from idle chatter and stuff, but then I'd have to manually add those random "somebody help!"-screams as she's running around... which would be very tedious...

Can I block inappropriate stuff coming from her mouth by like, setting her "mood" to something like 'Fear' '100' ...?

(I know the drop down menu when editing the actor itself does pretty much nothing) but, there's gotta be a way, right?


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You would put the General dialogue that you wanted to turn up whenever you spoke to specific NPC's in a separate quest that was start game enabled. You could put a whole bunch of NPC's dialogue in it.

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I've been trying to set generic dialogue as rumors, I tried adding branches from the generic topics to my quests - and a whole heap of silly stuff until my dialogues looked nothing like the examples set by the vanilla ones. Just to see where my fault was.

But at the core, I have it set up the way you described it, because it should work. However, you kind of confirmed that that's the way it should be. And seeing your comment got me thinking "Why doesn't this work?"

Turns out if I break the links in the Quest Dialogue and have it advance through a VMQuestVariable instead, my dialogue finally opens up because: off course it does! What was I thinking?

Now I'm gonna go feel stupid in a corner for a lil' bit, but I can at least scratch another rookie mistake from my newb-list...

Thanks a bunch, by the way!

Now it's working as intended :wink:

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Okay, I got this working thanks to you guys!

Now, I've run into another problem and I basically need to do the exact opposite. xD


I have a quest where my NPC is, well she's supposed to be upset.

The dialogue I have set for her and the packages in here scene has her 'fleeing' to various x-markers (instead of 'traveling' to them) and stuff, so... that should speak for her current state of mind.



The problem is, as soon as she's not engaged in her scene, or in any dialogue, she breaks character and spouts random comments like "need something?", "are you going to use that weapon?" and I... well, from a design perspective I have to say I don't really appreciate her tone sometimes.


I guess I could give her a custom package where, during these stages in the quest, she's blocked from idle chatter and stuff, but then I'd have to manually add those random "somebody help!"-screams as she's running around... which would be very tedious...

Can I block inappropriate stuff coming from her mouth by like, setting her "mood" to something like 'Fear' '100' ...?

(I know the drop down menu when editing the actor itself does pretty much nothing) but, there's gotta be a way, right?



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Make her passing dialogue conditional so she doesn't say them if your quest is running would seem the easiest. Or if you want to be more precise between certain quest stages.

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So you guys are telling me I need to go into vanilla skyrims default dialogues and set up conditions in them for my npc to stop using them during certain stages of the quest? I understand what you're saying (I think), but there's gotta be a smarter way of doing things. Look, I'm not using a custom voicetype for this npc at all. She's got the female commoner voice. I'd rather not dive in and start cutting out and setting up conditions, messing around with bethesda's conversation systems. Not that I'm scared to mess them up, but I'd rather just leave that unmodified. I wish there was a smart lil' "if getstage >10 && getstage < 90; shutUpAndStopTalkingIfYourGoingToBreakCharacter(true) endif" I could put on my quest alias... hehe :tongue:


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Given you want to control when this NPC says things that are different from what the Vanilla voice type is set up to do I had assumed you were using a custom voice type but with vanilla dialogue. I can't see how you can control when your npc says stuff without doing this and no you don't want to change the vanilla conditions.


I am not saying there isn't a different way of doing it, maybe with scripting, but I can't think of it.

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