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[LE] Stretching Dialogue Topics across multiple Quests?

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Well, she is using a vanilla voicetype. She has custom dialogue, built with some stock voice files from vanilla dialogue. During the quest she's powered by AI packages that doesn't allow idle chatter and reacting to player actions etc. It all plays out really well, except for when the package should transition - it's like she briefly jumps back to the default sandbox packages I have for her. That kinda makes the whole thing very awkward... :S


-Are you here to save me?!

-Thank the gods, I thought I was going to die in here!!

-..Need something?


It's like; imagine Hadvar during the introduction dungeon, there's a dragon out there, and stormcloaks in here - and out of nowhere he just starts talking about where I could buy clothes in Sollitude or something...

It's a bit out of place...

I'm going to have too look into what I can do about this. Perhaps I can find a solution browsing through vanilla quests...



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If your desperate to use a vanilla voicetype - then you will need to slightly fiddle with a vanilla dialogue quest.


For example:


Copy the "need something" line and place your new conditions on it - your NPC, quest stage etc (you will need that voice file renamed appropriately)


Add a condition to the original vanilla line to not play if its your NPC

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Yeah, I guess that's one way of doing things. I want to avoid modifying the vanilla dialogues if possible though... I want her to act just like any npc in the game except during these stages of the quest. I mean, I guess I could put conditions on her sandbox AI-packages so she will in no way have those to fall back on during this quest. I could also temporarily force another voicetype for her during the events here - dig out the voice files I use currently, but use copies of them for her. It's a bit of a hack-job though. I guess there's a lot of ways to do this. I'd just like to do it as discrete and simple as possible. I don't like grabbing a voice actress to voice a mere setpiece like this one, she's not really important in any way other than to convey an emotion. Especially if the game already provides good lines for her to use. :S



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If you are creating lines of dialogue in you quest anyway, it really is easier to give her a unique voice type using copies of the relevant vanilla voice files. Then for the passing dialogue you just need to copy the relevant lines as I said above.


You wouldn't then need to add conditions to vanilla dialogue because she would never say those lines not having that voice type.

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