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About Creation Kit


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Hello to all,

I've started to mod Skyrim in these days.

I've have some question about the Creation Kit. Please answer me :)


1. When I touch objects in cells around Skyrim, is there to revert to the original state (just excluding it from my custom ESP file)?

2. Loading any cell and place new object without toching any other objects, my ESP will load only the new object?

3. Can I create a group of objects and place this group in cells? For example I've just made a mod to place lanterns near bridges around skyrim and I've use a light, a lantern and a holder separately.


Thank you.

Edited by mannygt
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An esp contains information you have given, if the information is not there, the information will not be given ingame, so in other words, things you move, place or delete will be controlled by your plugin file.

Sometimes if you do a lot of changes in a cell, then load a savegame inside that cell changes might not appear, so always have a savegame outside the cell you are modifying so you can check it properly or else it might lead to confusion and uncecesarry troubleshooting.

You can group items by selecting a group of objects and use ctrl-c to copy that group, and when you paste that anywhere it will be pasted just like they where when you copied the selection, you can also do this by using ctrl-d (duplicate) but that will just place a duplicate selection on top of the selection you copied, but it works when you want to place many similar things in the same space.

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