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NPC's not detecting hostile creatures


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So I got a heavily modded sse and having trouble finding a mod that causes this issue with my followers.


When combat begins and the enemy(a skeever for example) starts attacking us, my follower starts 'searching for the enemy' as if he can't see them, while he and I are already being attacked and uses dialogue as if they're invisible when they're right in front of them HITTING THEM. Sometimes the creatures also won't attack even though combat music plays.The followers will sometimes engage but usually only after they or I have been attacked several times and almost dead, and after they kill 1 hostile, they won't attack the other hostiles nearby but wander around with their weapon out.


Anybody have this issue? Could Realistic AI sneak detection Lite be the culprit(with RLO)? I'm also using wildcats, mortal enemies, Advanced adversary encounter, Animal tweaks, Amazing followers, nexus skyrim overhaul, Combat evolved w/Guards attack hostiles,and Search and destroy extended combat ranges.

Edited by KingKilluaX3
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