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Cloak request


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So, I'm trying to make myself a bit of a Witch Hunter here, but unfortunately I just CANNOT find the armor pieces I need to get the look I have in my mind... And this is not for a lack of trying!


So, here I am, asking for help :).


Basically what I'd love is a hood/cloak like this: https://pre13.deviantart.net/7a96/th/pre/i/2013/327/8/5/rebel_scout_armor_by_azariel87-d6l0m3k.jpg


Preferably in leather/brown....


Now I realize this is ALOT to ask for, so I won't get my hopes up - but if there's anybody out there with skills, who's willing to help; please let me know :).


Thank you in advance, to everyone who even looks at this part of the forum!



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