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Project Legacy.


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Hi guys,


After spending hours on end in Skyrim I've been inspired to start modding again. However, the changes I want to make to TES:V are rather extensive and since it's been awhile since I've been active in any modding community (last time I modded was for Counter-Strike: Source) this mod may take a long time to complete--especially without your help.


Project Legacy is mod designed to infinitely extend the game-play and immersion of Skyrim.


Here are the elements I would like to include in this mod:


Life & Health:

Phase 1:

- Different races have different life expectancy. (eg. Human races live for 50 real hours)

- Diseases can be contagious and fatal -- in some cases cause pandemics

- Life expectancy can shorten if a regular and healthy diet is not maintained.

- Immortality can be gained through Vampirism (gives players another reason to become vampires).

- Players need to sleep at least 8 in-game hours ever two days (48 in-game hours).


Phase 2:

- Players can freeze to death.

- Players can die of dehydration.

- Players can pass out from exhaustion.

- Player can be permanently wounded.


Phase 3:

- Players age.

- Hair/Facial hair grows.

- Scars and wounds appear.




Phase 1:

- Impairs speech.

- Handicaps skills.

- Causes black-out (in which results may vary eg. wake up with a bounty at a random location)

- Causes addiction (become an alcoholic).


NPC and Friends:

Phase 1:

- Will ask for aid in their personal quests.

- Can betray you,

- Will only follow and help you if they think it's worth it.



Phase 1:

- Spouse can be kidnapped.

- Children can be adopted or conceived.


Legacy Game-Play adjustments:

Final Phase:

- Shouts removed.

- Magic is taboo -- not everyone believes in it. You can, however, seek to discover and learn it... but it's challenging.

- Become High King or Jarl -- play as your own child once you die!

- Each play-through affects the story.

Edited by FiLTHYESKiMO
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Well, for the Permamently Wounded part, you could always add a perk which is added whenever the player reaches below a certain percentile, and takes damage.


How to do that....Eh.


int PlayerHealth = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValuePercentage("Health") as int

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
 bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)

	 	if (PlayerHealth >= 0.25)
	if (PlayerHealth <= 0.25)
		debug.MessageBox("You have been fatally wounded!")
		Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk IDOfPerkWithDisability (NameofPerkWithDisability)

Event OnSleepStart()
if Game.GetPlayer().Perk IDOfPerkWithDisability (NameofPerkWithDisability)
	Game.GetPlayer().RemovePerk IDOfPerkWithDisability


When you get round to it, tell me if that script works. The wiki wasn't clear at all on how to do something like this >_>

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Sounds cool but my main suggestion would be to not limit life expectancy to real-life hours. You could set an age at character creation (somewhere between 20-30 years?) and then keep track of in-game days passed to track the age. As the player ages, certain activities could become more dangerous - fall damage could get higher, traps would do more damage, exposure to the elements would get bad faster, etc.


I think it would help with immersion because it would prevent cheap play like waiting a week outside a merchant shop for their inventory to reload.


Otherwise this idea sounds awesome!

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Well, for the Permamently Wounded part, you could always add a perk which is added whenever the player reaches below a certain percentile, and takes damage.


How to do that....Eh.


int PlayerHealth = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValuePercentage("Health") as int

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
 bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)

	 	if (PlayerHealth >= 0.25)
	if (PlayerHealth <= 0.25)
		debug.MessageBox("You have been fatally wounded!")
		Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk IDOfPerkWithDisability (NameofPerkWithDisability)

Event OnSleepStart()
if Game.GetPlayer().Perk IDOfPerkWithDisability (NameofPerkWithDisability)
	Game.GetPlayer().RemovePerk IDOfPerkWithDisability


When you get round to it, tell me if that script works. The wiki wasn't clear at all on how to do something like this >_>


Will do. I will commence modding hopefully sometimes to the end of this week. Pretty busy as is--but, if anyone wants to try to get a few elements of this project working go ahead!



Sounds cool but my main suggestion would be to not limit life expectancy to real-life hours. You could set an age at character creation (somewhere between 20-30 years?) and then keep track of in-game days passed to track the age. As the player ages, certain activities could become more dangerous - fall damage could get higher, traps would do more damage, exposure to the elements would get bad faster, etc.


I think it would help with immersion because it would prevent cheap play like waiting a week outside a merchant shop for their inventory to reload.


Otherwise this idea sounds awesome!


Great idea!

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This is a wonderful idea and I fully support it. Though, I must point out, that me and a group are already working on a mod to make you a jarl of sorts. So if you decide to do that, we're going to have to get together to avoid compatibility issues.


When the time comes we could bundle all separate mods to make this project. I know a guy who is really keen on doing a few of these mods, so, when the project launches they will have to option of either installing the whole project or a certain mod within the project.




If there are any modders who are interested in becoming part of this project please send me a PM. I will be launching a site/community for this project in the coming weeks and I am looking for able modders to help this project see the light of day.

Edited by FiLTHYESKiMO
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This will take a LOT of testing you know. You don't want to make a players life expectancy to short, and have them die of age before they can even do the companions, haha.


True. But making players mortal will kind of giving meaning to their existance. Your accomplishments will be recorded and books will be written about you, depending on the impact you made.


This will also give players the choice to seek immortality, but if you outlive your life expextancy some villagers may get suspicious and go on a witch hunt :)

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