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A few Ideas.


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Well, a first idea is a Master level spell book for each school in a hidden library behind the Arch-mage's Quaters after you become Arch-Mage. (Unlock the door with spell you used to join college?)


Conjuration- Ethreal being?(Turns a NPC/Follower/attacker Ethreal) And attacks for you for 60-120 seconds dependent on the mods you have?


Illusion- Grand world changing(Going into somebodys mind as a fight area, where illusion spells are 100% more powerfull)(Mind as in like The Black Star quest where you have to go into that persons mind and the ground is all hexagonal, that kind of place)


Distruction- Gates Of Oblivion ( Gates Of oblivion apeare and a giant burst/torrent of fire jets out of it for ten seconds doing x ammount of damage.)


Restoration- Beyond limits(Health regens 40% faster for 60 seconds)


Alteration- Enhanced Muscle(Attacks with one and two handed weapons do 50+% more damage for 2m)


Just ideas though.


My other idea is a Race based weapon that appears dependent on what race you are.

Argonian-Tail of the Black Mash(Sword)

Orc-Stendars mercy(Hammer)




Or a class based quest weapon.


Mage- Staff of Akatosh.( Staff-Summons a dragon)

Warror- Tsun's might(Two handed sword-Enchantment-shout based-Shout on hit?)

Theif- Nocturnals Shard(Dagger- Body becomes a shadowy mist when crouching(Like ebony mail) Perfect Assasination hit every time?)

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