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Adding Sound on Creation Kit for FO4


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Would someone point me towards a guide that helps me figure out how to add a specific sound (not a song) into Fallout 4 game?

I wish to make something that adds a sound when a certain action is made to an enemy in game using a specific per - Blitz.

Any tips, guides or anything would help.

Currently trying to use Creation Kit. Unsuccessfully.


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Adding sound to the game is not that difficult. You should put the sound in the proper folder otherwise the game will refuse to add it . For example, to add an ambient sound you put your 16 bit wav into this directory: Data - Sound - FX - AMB - YourModsName folder.

For weapon sounds you create WPN folder instead of AMB, etc. To make it easier you can use BAE to check folder names.


Then you duplicate some sound file (SNDR) in the CK and replace the sound there with your sound. In some cases it makes no difference whether you put your sound into AMB, or WPN, or other subfolder. But in other cases it can be important ( i.e. if you want the sound to appear in the drop down menu for weapons, you should put it into WPN folder).


I can`t tell you how to add this sound to your special action , you have not provided enough info about this action and this perk. Need to know how your perk works, what is this special action, how it works etc.

Edited by kitcat81
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