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Craftable Vault 81 Cure?


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In-universe, Curie's explanation as to why she can't make any more cures is because ... the organic ingredients to make them have all died out in the 80+ years since she developed the cure.


Well, I can understand that the ingredients IN HER LAB might have died out! But there's no reason why you can't get more ingredients out in the commonwealth.


Forget curing both yourself and Austin; the Vault 81 cure is worth 400 caps a pop! If you could craft an infinite supply of these, it would make you a fortune!


I was able to find a mod that adds a craftable Vault 81 Cure to the game.




However, this doesn't fit all the criteria I'm looking for. Namely ... the item's value ... the inability to use it on Austin if I so choose ... and how it makes you severely dehydrated in survival mode to balance out the restorative properties.


Can somebody just take the existing Vault 81 cure and make a recipe at the chem station for it? Preferably one that uses commonwealth crops or meat, since that wold gel with Curie's explanation as to why she can't make more of it.


Maybe there could even be a magazine in Curie's lab, just like the Medic Bobblehead, which you could store on magazine racks, called "Vault 81 Cure Recipe," which would unlock this recipe, thus preventing you from making this recipe before you complete the quest.

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