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Help finding Visual Improvements, at a distance.


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I'm currently trying mods that offer better textures and make things look better. I have some mods like Vivid Weathers, Realistic Water Two, Osmodius Texture Pack, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Nordic Snow, Enhanced Lights and FX, etc. Visuals up close look nice and all, but these all cover visuals up close. I step outside Whiterun and everything nearby looks nice (though the Lighting Mod makes everything...kinda glow unrealistically). However, when I look out into the distance, the mountains look smooth and fake. The trees seem flat and cast no shadow at that distance (I'm sure shadows for distant objects would hurt performance).


Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to make Skyrim look better?

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Using Dolomite weathers

Noble Skyrim

Simply bigger trees

AOF Detailed Mountains 2 from oldrim

RIS real ice and snow from oldrim


Pretty happy with the visuals and not that taxing on my system. Amazing what simply bigger trees alone does for the visuals when walking down the mountain. Not looking at toothpicks anymore.

Edited by gaultjohn
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Your problem with distance will be mitigated with LOD textures. The problem with this is that, unless you know how to make them yourself, it will be difficult finding exact LODs for your setup if you use a hodgepodge of mods, as I do. A tree mod like SFO comes with its own custom LOD.


Do a search on the Nexus for "lod" and you'll see a bunch of different results.


I also recommend the Oldrim mod, HD Enhanced Terrain, which works fine in SSE. I'm using the blended version, but I recommend standing on Whiterun's walls and trying Blended, Lush, and Type 2 to see which works best with your setup.

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