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No worthless Items


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I love the way leather and some steel armor looks. It's disappointing that 90% of the equipment in skyrim becomes obsolete rather quickly. I would love to see a mod that makes it so, with smithing, any item can be upgraded to the quality of daedric/glass. Here is an oversimplification of my thoughts.


The Following Damage values do not represent actual dmg but are relative to the maximum dmg achieved in an unbroken game with 1 being lowest and 100 being fully upgraded deadric. Forgive me if this is a weird way of looking at things.


IDK what the balance would be but lets pretend 1 ebony is worth 10 iron ingots


Iron Sword

DMG1-20:requires 1 iron ingot

DMG20-40:requires 5 iron ingots

DMG40-60:requires 10

DMG60-80:requires 20

DMG80-100:requires 30


Daedric Sword

DMG40-60:requires 1 ebony ingot

DMG60-80:requires 2 ebony ingot

DMG80-100:requires 3 ebony ingot



Am i getting my point across? :P


Are there any mods out there that achieve this for weapons/armor or any interest in it being made?

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