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Load Order Seems To Be In Order But Game Still Crashes


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So previously when I had been modding skyrim I used the NMM and the game ran mostly fine but would crash at certain points during loading and it wasn't too bad to deal with, but recently when I added more intensive mods such as Bruma to the load order the game began to crash more frequently to make it almost unplayable. I then tried to fix the load order to address the problem. In doing it manually through NMM and then using LOOT and TES5Edit to correct the conflicting and broken mods that came up from the LOOT run. At this point all the mods seem to be in order and not conflicting but the game still crashes after it is loading in when I hit play in game. From this I have no idea what else to do to fix the game from crashing, the only other possible problem it may have is mods from the steam workshop that have been loaded into the game files but then unsubbed from. But this seems unlikely too me, but could be a possible solution. If anyone had any solutions froma similar experience or knowledge of the problem please help. Thank You.

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Do you use ENBoost and Crash fixes? if not that's most likely your problem not load order, go to the Bruma page and go through the comments until you find turbonl64's post regarding this (its not just for Bruma but the game in general) he's posted a terrific tutorial on how to install both, if you aren't running these, i guarantee after installing these crashes will be rare and you'll get a nice frames per second boost as well. EDIT... if you are playing Skyrim Special Edition sorry i can't help you there, this solution is for standard Skyrim.

Edited by burn70
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